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Hermione Granger

"So, Wilson asked to speak to Parkinson in privet. Parkinson was like shaking and she looked at me as if she needed help, so I did the natural thing and followed them." I said. I held a hand through my hair. Harry, Ron and Ginny all sat down to listen to my story. Harry took his cup of water to take a sip. "Er- well I lost track of the two of them after a while, so I decided to go to Wilson's office. There I heard- noises?" I continued. "Noises..?" Ron asked. "As in-" Ron started as Harry chocked on his water. "no! Merlin Ronald..." I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. Ginny chuckled. "It was noises of Wilson laughing, and Parkinson sobbing, things falling over and him threatening her." I said, trying to remember everything I heard. "Threatening her? How?" Ginny asked seriously. "Er- he said something like if she didn't cooperate he'd torture someone?" I said.

"So he's blackmailing her into... doing things with him. Does that mean he kidnapped someone she cares about?" Ginny suggested. "Someone like who?" Ron asked. "Someone like Millicent Bulstrode." I mumbled. Ron and Harry both looked me, asking for an explanation. "Do you mean the Slytherin girl who went missing a few months ago?" Ginny asked me. I nodded. Harry and Ron were visibly still confused. "Millicent Bulstrode was in Parkinson's dorm, I think they were friends." I explained. Harry nodded slowly, staring at the floor. "We should look into this. I think there's more to the Slytherins than we thought." Ron said. Ginny and Harry agreed. "There goes the dream of a quiet last year." I mumbled.

Pansy Parkinson

"I'll be right back, don't worry." I said annoyed. Blaise followed me and grabbed my wrist. I turned around angrily. "Are you sure you don't want one of us to go with you?" He asked, glancing back at Draco who was standing against the wall behind him. I pulled my arm from his grip. "I'll be okay." I said. Before any of the boys could protest I walked away. I had to speak to Granger in privet. I needed some answers. When I neared the hospital wing I saw the Gryffindors walking out. They headed to their common room, probably. I waited until they passed to walk into the hospital wing.

Granger was sitting up and reading a book, of course. Is that like all she does? I couldn't help but look a little longer. I have to admit that she's very pretty. Granger looked up and saw me standing there, staring at her like an idiot. She raised an eyebrow, but quickly realized why I was there. She closed her book and put it away. "Parkinson." She said, greeting me coldly. I walked up to her and nodded in response. We stayed like that in silence for a while. I sighed and decided to sit down on the chair next to Granger's bed.

"What was that about?" I finally asked. Granger frowned. "What was what about?" She asked me. I folded my arms. "Why'd you help me like that?" Granger raised an eyebrow. "If I was in your situation, wouldn't you have done the same?" She asked in return. "I..." I started, but I honestly didn't know how to finish that sentence. I sighed and stared at the floor. "I guess." I mumbled. "But you have no reason to help me. I was awful to you our entire school life, I was on Voldemort's side, I-" "you fought with us in the end. You saved a lot of people." Granger interrupted me. I stared at her in disbelief. "I didn't think you knew that. And I hurt more people than I saved that night." I mumbled. Granger sighed and took my hand. "I don't blame you. And you need my help now, so I'm going to help you get your friend back."

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