Avengers 11 -edited-

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May 17th 2021..?

No ones POV-

Jade- Alright everyone! I'll be starting in just a minute-

She was cut off by Mal whispering in her ear to come over to the corner

Jade- What.

Mal- You like Jackson. ;)

Jade blushed

Jade- No I don't. I don't like him like that!

Mal- Like whooo ;)

Jade knew what she was doing but followed along for Mal anyways.


Jade- MAL!

Mal is laughing

Jade- IM GONNA KILL YOU!! *her eyes turn Flamey and her hair goes full flame revealing who 1 of her fathers are*

Mal- OH SHOOT! *Mal's hair turns full flame*

Maleficent- GIRLS! *it doesn't work*

Jade is chasing Mal around running around with her hair on fire.

Hayden and Hadie are laughing their heads off


Hayden&Hadie- Ugh! FINE!

Hadie a 10 year old boy tackles Mal and Hayden tackles jade

Hayden&Hadie- Sorry sisters...

Jade&Mal- Not as sorry as we are.

Hayden&Hadie look at each other and Scream running away from the two girls.

Hades&Maleficent- EVERYONE STOP IT!

The 4 kids shake and answer- Y-Yes ma'am/Sir.

Jackson on the other hand is BLUSHING

Jade- N-Next... meme..

Tony is laughing

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Tony is laughing

Steve is glaring

Pepper is smacking tony over the head.

Tony- Ow!!!

Jade- Haha!

Jade- Haha!

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Avengers/PJO/Descendants React to MemesWhere stories live. Discover now