Chapter 1

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8/9/19- 8/19/19

Harry, Tracey, Ron and Hermione were standing there watching Remus turn into a werewolf.

Then heard something while Sirius and James get ready.

"Run! Run!" Sirius said.

"Let's go." Hermione said.

While they did that Hermione, Tracey, Ron, James and Sirius saw Harry throw his shoe at Remus.

"Ahwooo!" Hermione started.

"What are you doing?" Tracey asked.

"Saving his life. Ahwoooo!"

"Thanks." Tracey said while Hermione howled.

Then Remus started to come to them.

"Great now he's coming to us. And we're not animagi yet!" Harry said when he got to them.

"Yeah didn't think about that. Run!" Hermione said.

While they ran Remus started to come. Then they hid behind a tree and heard Remus growl.

James and Sirius were in their animagus running to get in front of them but before they could do anything Harry, Tracey, Ron and Hermione started running while Remus started chasing after them.

Harry had been trained by Dumbledore when he was younger and knew spells from first year to seventh year. He had started training when he was six years old and learned them quickly.

Harry took out his wand while they were running.

"Stupefy!" he said using more strength then usual during classes.

He kept a lot of his strength so he didn't make anyone jealous. His parents, uncles and Professors didn't like it but understood why.

He promised that if there was ever going to be a second war with Voldemort strong enough he'll use as much of his strength as he could during classes. Even though he learned everything from spells to legilimency and occlumency from Dumbledore years ago. He's as strong an Occlumance as Snape and as strong a legilamence as Voldemort.

Since Voldemort had returned last year he used more power like he promised but not as much and was locked as tight as he could with occlumency. Dumbledore had told them his theory about a connection he had when he was training him a while ago.

His sister said that she'd transfer energy to him whenever he needed it. Now and the future.

Their parents and uncles were proud of them. Everyone knew they were inseparable to this very day and would do anything to protect one another. Especially Harry because he's ten minutes older than her.

Dumbledore had said last summer it's time to start training Harry more advanced magic. He hoped it wouldn't come until he was older but even though Harry had destroyed the diary and saved Ginny, Voldemort had just enough strength to return. Not strong enough for a full body but strong enough for a body. He was on the end of his third year in silent magic.

Harry had immediately told Dumbledore when he got to his office and shocked him and his parents. He allowed Dumbledore to take out the memory so he could show him and the ministry that he returned partially.

Harry's scar had been burning a lot lately but he was used to it and could fight it.

Remus jumped over the spell and while he did that Harry tripped over a rock and landed on his back wincing.

James had turned back into his human self to use petrificus totalus on Remus but before he could open his mouth Remus was on top of Harry and bit his cheek.

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