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Eva's POV:
I'm Eva Cudmore and I have 18, umm.. well, not exactly. I'm look at 18, but i'm like 50. Yeah this is possible. I'm vampire. I know it's insane. And tbh i'm not sure how I become vampire. Last thing I remember is when someone in forest grabed me by my wrist and in that second i saw him. I saw that red eyes, black beating veins under his eyes and fangs with blood on them.

And after i woke up in forest next to him. I'm sure i knew him from somewhere. He just sat next to me and waiting till i woke up.

"Hey Eva, i'm pretty sure u know me. But it's not time to trying remember who am I"

He said and took look at me.

I looked at him with confused face.

"Uhh.. Okay Eva.."

He took me by my wrists.

"Eva look.. Now u will changing. Your body, Your powers and your taste"

"Mmmm how changing?" I said.

He sigh.

"Now you become a vampire"

He said with seriosly face. I started laughing.

"What?" I asked him with smile on my face.


He nooded. My smile disappeared.

"Listen to me really carefully Eva. Now is sunset. Tomorrow this time u will die"

I was freezed. I can't imagine why i will die.

"W-what? I-i will d-die? W-why?"
I said to him with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, oh, oh, don't cry" He took my chin and tried calm me down. "u wouldn't die if u will listen to me now, okay?" He said with soft face.

I nooded

"Fine, if you become vampire you wouldn't die" He wiped my tears from my face.

"There's some rules to became vampire. Now you're half vampire. I know this will be hard but I must break your neck"

"WHAT!? YOU WANT TO KILL ME? YOU SON OF BITCH!" I yelled at him and stood up. I started running.

I saw something really quick next to me and he stopped in front of me.

"B-but-t h-h-how?" I tried to breathing.

"You wouldn't let me finish my sentence" He said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"After I will break your neck you will wake up, and after you must drink someones blood, okay? Or you will die"

"Ugh fine, do it" I said and closed my eyes.

He puted his hands on my neck.

"Okay, 3.. 2.. 1.."

He broke my neck and I fell on grass. In few seconds I opened my eyes and tried to catch breath.


"Wow, that was, that was scary asf!" I said.

He started laugh. I stood up and take look at him.



"Last thing and you become a vampire" He said and crossed his arms.

"Human blood, I know" I said.

"Yeah, so come find your first victim" He said while he laughing.

"Okay, okay I'm going" I said.

We walking in forest and talking.


"Yea Eva?"

"I have lot of questions on you"

"Umm go on, ig"

"Okay, so how old are you? What's your name? How you become vampire? Or-"

He interrupted me.

"Eva, Eva, Eva chill" He said and look at me. We both started giggle.

"So my name is Thomas.."

"Wait.. Thomas?"

He nooded.

"Thomas!" I screamed and jump on him. "Hey little one, I knew you remember me" he started laughing.

"Hey!" I jumped from him on Grass and slaped him. "Where you were whole time?" I said angry. "Eva.. it's 5 years.. I killed here someone so I leaved, it was for your own good" he said little bit sad. "Ouu, I'm sorry man.. it's okay now" I said and hug him.

I started smell something.

"Do you, do you-"

"Yes, I smell it" He interrupted me and he continued. "It's smell of human, come" he said, I followed him.

We saw a woman.

I looked at him, he nooded.

"Go for her little vampire" he whispered in my ear. "Okay.." I looked at him and bite my bottom lip.

I used my super speed to came to her back.

"Omg, you scared me girl" she said and smile at me. "I'm sorry I don't want scare you" I said and give her smile back. "So who are you?" she asked. "Your nightmare" I answer her. Before she started scream I grabed her by her hair. Pulled my lips on her neck and start sucking her blood.

After few minutes her body falled down on grass without blood.

"Eva! What the hell!" Thomas came to me and yell at me.

"What?" I asked

"You can't kill people. Just drink little bit of blood, not all" he said.

"You didn't say that"

"I know, I'm so sorry Eva, but you must be more careful, people don't know who we are and if they will find us, they will come to kill us" he said and pulled me into a hug.

"Okay, okay I'll be more careful next time, I promise"

Sup Bitchess

Hope u enjoy this part, dw next part will be w Eva's new love


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