Chapter 44 - Exposed Pt 1

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 ---This chapter may seem kind of fast but I didn't want to write repetitive cafeteria scenes. If I were to do so I might as well rename the book "The Brunch Club". Thank you to anyone who Reads, Votes, Shares or Comments. It makes my day!---

---Picture of Zeal---

The next few days continued without anything special happening, though I noticed Zeal trying to set traps for me. I made sure to stay with someone at all times during school, I knew he would probably attack me again if he caught me alone. I continued with my plan, befriending the school, so if he attacked me again with an audience he'd lose more of his followers. My leg's gotten better the past couple of days. I can now use my crutch with ease. Nothing special happened between me and Liam, we just continued cuddling every night, which is more than enough for me.

Today was Friday. I was relieved I'd have a couple days off with Liam. When I saw Zeal at his locker this morning he had a smug look on his face, like he had some kind of plan. Hopefully I'm able to avoid it. I spent breakfast with Cortney and her friends like always. We goofed around, while eating the sub-par cafeteria food. We all went to class as the bell rang. 

A little while after classes ended I was heading to meet Cortney in the cafeteria again. A sudden voice came from the announcement speakers.

"Harvey Harris, please report to the principals office." It was the principal speaking. Some of the students looked my way, growing a bit worried. I was nervous as to why I'd been called, I haven't done anything wrong as far as I'm aware. Unless, unless Zeal had something to do with it. He definitely had something planned.

I cautiously made my way to the principals office, wary of anyone approaching. I was just about to reach the door when I spotted Zeal running my way. So much for being careful. I twisted the handle and shoved the door open as fast as I could, so that if Zeal attacked me we'd have a witness. Of course, I wasn't that lucky, the principal was no where in sight. I tried shutting the door behind me so that I'd be safe, but Zeal had already caught up with me. He jammed his foot in the door and pushed it open. Crap, where is the principal?!

"The principal won't be joining us I'm afraid." He said, wearing a devious grin on his face, knowing whats on my mind. "I... created a little diversion for him..."

"I can finally teach you not to mess with me." He said slowly approaching. He seemed like he was getting desperate to attack me, he was clearly frustrated that I was able to avoid him for so long. I retreated in the opposite direction, towards the desk with my legs trembling, hoping I could activate the principal's mic. I got close enough to the desk to spot the button, but Zeal was almost already on top of me. He got so close I started leaning backwards over the desk. The button was definitely in reach now, but I didn't want him to pick up on my plan, so I crept my hand towards the button. I successfully turned it on and luckily he didn't seem notice. 

"Now that I've got you trapped in here, alone, I'll make sure not to let you off as easily as last time!" He announced, sounding a little mental. My breathing grew heavy, I began panicking. I don't care if I get hurt though, just as long as he's exposed.

"I bet you thought you could make a fool of me." He said, tilting his head slightly. "I have to admit you were doing pretty well, but you see... I'm just smarter, so I managed to catch you in my trap."

"Why, why do you have to take things this far?" I ask with my voice tremblin.

"Cause pieces of s*** like you and Liam think they're so amazing. You need to be shown your place." He says as his facial expression goes flat.

"You see, he knew when to quit, he knew when to give in." He continued, meaning Liam.

"Maybe I should give you the same treatment I gave him, or maybe, maybe I could make it a little more painful since you've caused me so much trouble." He smirked and glared at me. 

"You see, I broke a couple of his fingers, he whimpered and screamed like a little girl. I warned I would threaten his friends as well if he didn't obey me. It was unfortunate I had to move soon after though, I was having so much fun." He revealed. T-That so cruel. No wonder Liam is always so scared of Zeal. Rage welled through my body after hearing what he'd done. I would've broken his nose if he didn't have me restrained on the desk, though I don't I'm physically strong enough to through such a punch. 

"I'll slowly snap every, single, finger, of yours. This time I'll do more than jab a few holes in your leg, I'll make you look like a bee hive!" He announced, tapping my fingers with his.

"You're mental!" I shouted.

"Shhh, don't speak to me that way." He said, placing a finger at my lips. If the mic was currently broadcasting he would surly be exposed by now.

"Before I pop your soft delicate little fingers I'll start with your legs, I'll make sure you won't be able to walk." He smirked, pulling a pencil from the cup next to us. He placed the tip at my thigh and slowly pressed in. I whimper and scream from the oncoming pain. He placed a hand over my mouth so no one could hear my cry, little did he know it was already being broadcast to the whole school.

Liam's POV

I was extremely worried when I heard Harvey being called to the principal's office. I know he hadn't done anything that would call for it. A little while later I heard some commotion in the halls. I decided I'd see what's going on but before I could reach the location the announcement speaker went off.

"Now that I've got you trapped in here, alone, I'll make sure not to let you off as easily as last time!"That's Zeal's voice, what the hell is he up to...

"I bet you thought you could make a fool of me." He sounds like a villain straight from a horror movie. Wait, if Harvey was called to the principal's office and Zeal is speaking from the mic... f*** that would mean they're in the same room! But what about the principal, why isn't he stopping them from using the mic? As that though crossed my mind I spotted the principal in hall, shocked. He was looking back and forth between the speaker and a kid covered in cuts and bruises, sitting in the hall. That means Harvey and Zeal are alone in the same room! I sprinted off into the direction of the principal's office.

"Why, why do you have to take things this far?" Harvey spoke, confirming my assumption. My poor little babe sounded scared. I tried increasing my speed but I was already going as fast as my body would take me. As I ran through the halls I saw a bunch of people frozen, listening to what was being broadcast.

"Cause pieces of s*** like you and Liam think they're so amazing. You need to be shown your place." I see he's still spouting that crap. He better not touch my Harvey or I'll rip him apart! I don't even care about the consequences.

"You see, he knew when to quit, he knew when to give in."

"Maybe I should give you the same treatment I gave him, or maybe, maybe I could make it a little more painful since you've caused me so much trouble." I'll rip you from limb to limb you son of a b****. The thoughts in my mind grew darker after every spoken sentence.

"You see, I broke a couple of his fingers, he whimpered and screamed like a little girl. I warned I would threaten his friends as well if he didn't obey me. It was unfortunate I had to move soon after though, I was having so much fun." I almost shudder at the memory. He's a total psychopath.

"I'll slowly snap every, single, finger, of yours. This time I'll do more than jab a few holes in your leg, I'll make you look like a bee hive!" NO, I need to go faster! Please let me reach him on time!

"You're mental!" 

"Shhh, don't speak to me that way." 

"Before I pop your soft delicate little fingers I'll start with your legs, I'll make sure you won't be able to walk." Almost there! The door to the office came into sight and I ran for it. I heard Harvey's cry. It pained me to hear it again. 

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