Chapter 2

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After I looked at my schedule I started to look for social studies. when I found it I was 2 minutes late, and the teacher Mrs.Rice looked up from taking attendance and said "you must be the new student would you like to introduce yourself ?" and of course everyone knows when a teacher asks that there not asking their practically telling, so I said " Hi I'm Laura grey." and went to the back seat of the class.

After that she began to drone on and on about something. By the middle of her long speech the door banged open and everyone's eyes turned to see the kids that were beside my locker. The boy on the right had light blue eyes, freckles that were sprinkled across over his face and shaggy brown hair and plump pick lumps. He seemed about 6'2 and was well built. The boy next him had dark brown hair grey eyes that strikingly looked like mine. He was more on the tall and lanky side unlike the other guy he was about 6'5. The boy on the left has shaggy blond hair, blueish green eyes and light pink lips. He was about 6'0 and was more muscular than 5he other two. The last boy had strikingly bue grey eyes. With dirty blonde hair and amazingly chiseled jaw. And very kissable lips he was very muscular. Then there was girl she kinda looked like sabrina carpenter only with dark brown grey eyes with freckles sprinkled on her cheeks and grey eyes.

while the kids were staring the teacher seemed livid at the boys and yelled, "Late Again I see!" which cause them all to shrug and walk to the back to the seats that were around me while the teacher countinued to yell at them and give them detention.  As she continued to teach I could feel someone staring at me the whole time. By the time the bell rang I was so uncomfortable by the stare that I was already packed and out the door before anyone else could even stand up. Only when I was far away from the class room did I slow down.

I looked behind me which caused me to run into someone. Which caused both of us to fall down. Lucky for me my books and papers were in my bag but not so lucky for them there papers and books were in their hands, and they went everywhere.

While I was continually saying sorry and I handed them there stuff back and saw it was a girl, but I didn't have time to say anything to her or else I would be late for my next class. When I got there I was just in time. When I  noticed the girl I ran into was sitting in the back of the classroom. I sat down in the chair in the role before the back one and had to introduce myself again. When in the middle of me introducing myself the same boys who came in my other class came barging in the class only this time the girl wasn't with them. Well that class was as boring as the other one and then the bell rang.

I went to my class next class the same girl i ran into in the halls was in the back again. I set in the back aswell but I sat on the opisite side by the window. It went the same as the others only I couldn't really understand this class being it was math. And man do I hate math. also instead of all the boys being in this class there was only two of the boys and the girl, but hey why do I care there just like the other students right? Well by the end of that class I was starved and headed for the lunchroom. When I got my food I sat at the last empty table.

It was half way through lunch when this really blonde girl who was 5'6 in her high heels walked up to me  with this brown head short girl who had to be at least 5'4 in her 3 inch high heels  and another blond with the same heels and height as the brown head  the leader with almost platinum blond hair which looked to be the leader said "hi I'm Sarah. The girl with dirty blond hair is chloe and the girl with brown hair is lilly and your In our seats " and you would think like in the books her voice would sound like nails on a chalk board but it didn't it sounded very elegant  so the only rashenle thing would be to give them there seats right well me being me looked up and just stared at them so this "sarah" girl didn't like it so she screeched really loudly which kind of sounded like I  dieing dog and she said "Get up or you will regret it."

So your probably thinking ok then you are going to get up now right. Wrong I still just sat there and starred only this time I turned and started eating again. Well that was a mistake because a little bit after that I felt something wet and cold poor down my back. So I did the only rational thing I could. I turned around and found the barbie wanna be holding a cup that looked like it had water in it so I stood up and looked at her got up  walked up to her and then I punched her in the nose.

Which I heard the satisfying crunch of her nose breaking. Then it started to bleed. She screeched and ranaway with her goons shouting something about how I was gonna regret it. The whole time she was walking away all I could think about is where's the teachers. But anyway after that whole fiasco I walked to the bathroom and pulled out my gym shirt and changed into it.

After that little incident nothing really happened other than kids looking a little scared of me. Like all I did was punch a fake barbie in the nose. other than that though it was pretty uneventful. At 2:00 I left school and went and picked Blythe up from school and then went to Kay and Hay's dinner and the owners which were Hay and Kay were not there so I just started work with the other workers. while watching Blythe color at one of the booths which I was lucky that I work the register today so it was Easyer to keep an eye one her. By the time it was closing time which is at 10:00 Blythe was asleep so I cleaned up and then carried her to the car. I put her in her car seat and buckled her in. When I knew she was secured I got in the car and buckled up.

After I drove home. I got Blythe out and carried her in. I went and cut up some  fruits and made a little sandwich for Blythe and went and  woke her up so she could eat. After she was done I picked her up and put her to bed I sat in there with her till she fell back to sleep which wasn't long  and then went to my room changed and brushed my teeth then went to bed and fell into a peace full sleep for once.

This is Lilly one of  Sarah's minion

This is Lilly one of  Sarah's minion

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This is Chloe Sarah's other minion

This is Chloe Sarah's other minion

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This was her first day. And again like my sister has told you positive criticism is  welcome just don't be mean in the comments.
        -Love Hay your other author

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