The hostage escape

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Like any other day, I woke up, got dressed, and had my breakfast. I got in the car, in the back seat, Alice was driving and Bella was in the front with her. Bella was in a bit of a bad mood.

"Tonight we'll go out to Olympia or something. That would be fun, right?" Alice said.

"Why don't you just lock me in the basement and forget the sugar coating?" Bella suggested.

"I don't think so, Bella. If Alice doesn't do exactly what she and Edward agreed she would do, he will take the Porsche back." I said.

"I'm not doing a very good job. You're supposed to be having fun." Alice spoke.

"It's not your fault. I'll see you at lunch." Bella left us as soon Alice parked the car.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked me.

"I don't think any normal person would like to be kidnapped, Alice."

It was lunch time. I got out of the classroom and ran into Bella and Mike on the way to the dining hall. We had to pass an open area to do so, and that area was near the parking lot.

"Can't. I've got a slumber party. Oh, hey, Violet." Bella said.

"Hi, Violet!" Mike spoke, even happier that I was with them.


"So who are you —" he was going to ask somethis, but was interrupted by a loud bike roar in the parking lot. We all turned to look who it was. The black bike stopped near us.

Jacob waved urgently to Bella.

"Run, Bella!" he spoke.

"I got really sick and went home, okay?" she told me and Mike.

"Fine." he murmured.

"Okay, but I won't make any promises, I'm terrible at lying to my family." I told her.

"Thanks, Mike, Violet! I owe you one!" she screamed while she ran to Jacob.

When she got on the bike Jacob turned to me and waved, I waved back.

"We better go now." I told Mike.

"Yeah." he sounded disappointed.

We got in the dining hall and Alice was already waiting at the table with Ben, Angela and Jessica. I quickly got some food and sat by her side.

"Where were you two?" Alice asked us.

Mike looked at me, trying to tell me I should be the one answering her question.

"Bella got really sick and had to go home. We accompanied her to Charlie's car." I answered, without looking too much at Alice.

"You're not even in her class. How were you with her?" she was suspicious.

"I had History, while Bella and Mike had Literature. The classes are next to each other. When the bell rang I saw them and asked what happened."

Alice didn't seem to totally believe my lie, but she wasn't to be suspecting about where Bella was, she was just thinking about Bella going back home.

After school, the way back home was quiet, Alice should be thinking about Bella, and maybe about losing her Porsche. Some time after we got home, Bella was back. She was on a bike, and as soon as Alice saw her coming, she pulled me with her so we could wait for Bella in the garage.

"I haven't even had a chance to drive it." Alice spoke, she was talking about her Porsche.

"Sorry." Bella told her.

"You look like you could use a hot shower." Alice said. It was raining, and Bella was soaked.

"I guess she did take a shower on the way here." I spoke.

Alice was looking her up and down.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


Alice nodded, but she clearly was dying of curiosity.

"Do you want to go to Olympia tonight?" Alice suggested.

"Not really. Can't I go home?" Bella said. Alice grimaced. "Never mind, Alice. I'll stay if it makes things easier for you."

"Thanks." Alice sighed in relief.

Bella went to bed pretty early. I followed my routine, I had dinner and went to my room, I continued reading Percy Jackson and then I went to sleep.

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