First date

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The wedding was wonderful, everything went exactly as planned, except for the part where a wolf had imprinted on me. Edward and Bella went on their honeymoon in Brazil, on Esme Island, an island that Carlisle bought and named after Esme. It was quiet, a little different, I was not used to not having Edward at home, usually Rosalie and Emmett were the honeymooners.

Today would be a special day, my first date. I don't count my dates with Ryan and Thomas as real dates, but this one I knew would be different, after all, the imprint is the soul mate, is the right person, and that's exactly what I'd been hoping for since the time I moved in with the Cullens, I just didn't know it yet. Seth got my cell phone number from Jake, who had "made up" with Bella. It's weird, even though I'm technically of age I still ask my parents' permission to do certain things, like going on dates, for example.

I guess Alice was more anxious than I was, I agreed that she could get me ready since I was the one who got ready and chose the clothes for the wedding. I had just showered, Alice and Rose were waiting for me in my room. 

"Great! I can start your makeup now. Rose and I already picked your outfit." Alice spoke.

The two of them dragged me to the chair and Alice did my makeup. It was a little too extravagant for the occasion, it wouldn't be a fancy dinner or anything, we were going to the movies to watch She's the Man and then have dinner in Port Angeles. They chose a red lace dress, high heels, gold hoop earrings, gold bracelets and a red handbag.

"You look perfect, Vi!" Alice told me. "I'll leave you so Rose can do your hair now."

Alice left, now it was just me and Rose. She first dried my hair, then started using a curling iron.

"You know, Vi, I'm really happy for you. You know how I don't really like werewolves, but if he makes you happy, than I'm happy too." Rose said.

"Thank you so much, Rose. It's really good having your support. And I thought you would be the worst to deal with this..." I spoke.

"You're old enough to date and everything, Vi. I don't think it's me you should be concerned about..."

"Who should I be concerned about?"

"Esme is not jealous or anything, she's just been a little under the weather because she knows you'll spend less time with our family. But Emmett, Jasper and Edward... Carlisle as well. He doesn't admit it, but he's jealous."

"As long as it doesn't interfere with anything, it's not a problem."

She finished my hair and then I took my purse, grabbed some cash and my cellphone and walked downstairs. Everyone was waiting for me, like I was a princess.

"You look stunning, Honey!" Esme spoke, coming closer to hug me. I had this witchy thing, sometimes I could tell what people were feeling, and Esme would be crying right now if she wasn't a vampire.

"You look beautiful, Princess." Carlisle spoke.

Emmett and Jasper did not say anything, they just observed. Alice would give me a ride to Port Angeles. We went with her yellow Porsche and she dropped me in front ot the movies, where Seth was already waiting for me. I got out of the car and went to him.

"Hi, Seth." I said, greeting him.

"Hey, Vi." he spoke, then he turned to see me. "Wow! Y-you look amazing!"

"Thank you..." I said while blushing. "This was all Alice and Rosalie, I told them I didn't need all of this, but it's hard convincing them."

We bought the tickets and walked in the movie theater. During the movie, Seth put his arm around my shoulders and we were getting closer, until we kissed. Our first kiss. After that we didn't really pay attention to the movie.

The movie ended, we walked to the restaurant we were going, it was not far from the movies. We sat and ordered some food.

"Neither at the wedding nor at the movies we had an opportunity to really talk, how about now?" he asked me.

"Sure. What do you wanna know about me?" I asked him.

"A lot. I was curious, Jake told me you're not really fifteen, you just look fifteen." Seth said. He was clearly excited to know more about me.

"Yes. I was born in 1919, in Rochester, New York. I lived with my biological family until I was fourteen. Rosalie is my biological sister, half-sister. I also had other two younger brothers, Samuel and Benjamin." I said. I told him the whole story, about my father not liking me, my closeness with Rose, even her rape. "What about you?"

"Well, I was born on April 30th of 1992, I'm way younger than you so probably I haven't much to tell you about. I think you know my dad passed last year, it's been hard for my mom... but Charlie, Bella's dad, has helped. I also have a sister, Leah, but we argue sometimes, she thinks I'm still a child in need of protection..."

"I get it... I'm also the youngest child. Carlisle, Esme and the others really spoil me." I said.

The food arrived. We ate and talked at the same time. After that we walked out of the restaurant.

"Is your sister coming to pick you up?" Seth asked.

"Yes. Alice probably didn't even leave Port Angeles." I said. "And you?"

"Jake will give me a ride home, it's way better than my mom or my sister..."

Alice came a few minutes later.

"See you later, Seth. I hope we meet again soon." I said. I gave him a peck on his lips as a goodbye.

I got in Alice's car.

"What's up? How did it go?" Alice spoke excitedly.

And then the questioning started.

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