Meeting his family

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I was home, as usual. The last days were not very good, Bella came back from her honeymoon with Edward, pregnant, the whole family started mobilizing to help her, since her choice had been to continue the pregnancy. Rose does nothing but care and protect Bella, or rather, protect and care for the baby. Esme has also started to pay more attention to Bella than before, I wasn't jealous, but she forgets me sometimes.

I was in my room reading one of my mother's grimoires. Strange to call her 'mother', but as I went back through all her notes and recalled my times with her, I began to think again that she was a better mother than Esme, and the longing for her came back. Lately it seems that no one in the family remembers my existence except Alice, I am so glad to at least have her in my life.

Something hit my window, I soon realized it was a rock. I went to look and there was Seth. It reminded me so much of the night of my first kiss...

"Hey, Vi!"

"Hey, Seth!"

We were a long way away. I leaned on the tree that leaned against my window, and using my phytokinesis (plant manipulation) I went down into the forest, which was just behind the house. I went to Seth and as we met we kissed.

"I know you must be dealing with Bella's thing and all, but I was wondering if you would like to go to my house and meet my mom and my sister?" he asked me.

"Of course! I really need to get out of my house anyway... Bella's situation has been stressful."

"Great! Let's go, then?"

"We could use Rose's car so we don't have to walk to your house." I suggested.

"Wouldn't she be mad at you for using her car?"

"She will, but that's my intention."

We both went to the garage, I got the keys to Rose's red convertible, we got into the car and drove out of the house. I couldn't wait to get home and see what Rosalie would say to me.

Seth guided me so we could get to his house. I parked in front of his house, and then we walked inside. I noticed Charlie was there, because his car was parked near there.

As soon as we got in I was greeted by Sue Clearwater, Seth's mom.

"Hello, Sweetie. It's a pleasure to meet you, I was waiting for this moment." Sue said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Clearwater! I was also waiting for this moment!"

"Pretty and polite! I couldn't be happier for you, Seth!" Sue said.

We both chuckled. I went to the living room, where Charlie and Leah were.

"Violet, it's been a while." Charlie spoke, he looked exhausted, we had told him Bella was sick and getting treated in Switzerland.

"Hi, Charlie. It's good seeing you again." I greeted him.

"Any news of Bella?" he asked me.

Leah, Seth and Sue exchanged glances, they knew the truth.

"No, unfortunately not. Edward is with her all the time, my father too." I said. "Don't worry, Charlie, Bella will be okay."

I didn't believe myself. I went to Leah.

"Hi, you must be Leah. It's nice to finally meet you, Seth talks a lot about you, I bet you're a wonderful sister." I said.

"Hey, and you must be Violet Cullen, daughter of the blood suckers who my brother is dating." she said coldly. "I am indeed a wonderful sister, you're right."

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