Youngest family member

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We stayed for a few minutes watching Renesmee being held by Rose. Suddenly I heard the wolves voices in my head.

"Alice, Jasper, Rose, they are coming!" I yelled.

Alice and Jasper ran to the entrance and stayed outside to keep guard until the arrive of the werewolves. I turned to Rose.

"Rose, you should go with them too, you'll do better fighting with them." I told her.

Rose hesitated, she was thinking what she should do while looking at Renesmee.

"I don't want to leave her..." Rose spoke.

"You won't! Trust me, I'll take care of her and protect her."

She hesistated before giving me the baby, then she ran after Alice and Jasper.

With Renesmee in my arms, I went to the living room where the fireplace was on and I sat on one of the couches. I held Renesmee in a way that she was in front of me looking directly in my eyes.

Surprisingly she wasn't looking like a newborn baby anymore, she looked more or less like a two month old baby. When the little girl looked into my eyes, she raised her little hand, like she wanted to touch my face, so I got closer to her, and then she touched me. Something really strange happened. I started seeing things. She started projecting things im my mind, the first time she heard my voice and Edward's, then her birth, and then the first time I held her in my arms and after that I saw myself giving her a bath.

Renesmee was showing me her thoughts! She was born less than a hour ago and now she had a gift! She showed me her first memories of me.

I looked at her with a big smile. I wasn't believing this, but Renesmee was looking at something behind me. That's when I've noticed, when I turned around, that Jake was on his knees on the floor, looking directly at her.

"Jake," I said. "What happened?"

He was still at a loss of words, not taking his eyes off her. That's when I took a look into his mind.

"Have you imprinted on Renesmee? Jake!"

With Renesmee being held by one of my arms, with the other one I helped Jake get up.

"That's why Bella wanted me close this last few days... it was her..." Jake spoke.

I hesitated a little to let Jake hold her.

"Jake, Sam's pack is coming! You have to go and help my family! Don't worry, I'll stay with her."

Jake then seemed to realize everything. He rushed outside.

I haven't noticed what was happening outside, but the wolves were already there, and they were fighting with my family.

I went to one of the windows so I could see better what was going on outside without the wolves seeing me. Edward was there, I didn't see him coming down. Esme, Carlisle and Emmett had arrived and were also there. Everyone was fighting, except Bella and I of course. After a while I watched the wolves leave, including Jake. The rest ot my family came back inside.

They all went to where I was.

"This is Renesmee." I spoke.

Edward went back to where Bella was, where her body was. BELLA! I didn't know what happened to her! Rose took Renesmee from my arms and started playing with her.

"I have two things to say." I said.

Carlisle, Alice, Emmett, Jasper and Esme all turned to pay attention to me.

"Tell us." Carlisle spoke.

"Firstly, is Bella going to be okay?"

"She will be fine. Edward found a way to inject his venom and now she's turning into a vampire, it will take a couple of days." Carlisle said. "What was the other thing you had to say?"

"Well, I thought it was a little strange... Renesmee has a gift!" I said.

Right after I said that they were all looking at me, including Rose, who was blind by the baby in her lap.

"What?" Alice, Rose, Jasper and Emmett said.

Carlisle and Esme were looking at me so I could go on.

"When she touched my face she projected some memories in my mind. The first time she heard my voice, her birth, and then I holding her and giving her a bath..."

Shortly after I said that, we all turned to Renesmee, who touched Rose's face with her small hand.

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