John vs Zeke

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(continuing after a long time, so i might forget some things i did in past chapters so overlook it)

Tommy(changed OC)- Very well, we shall henceforth, commence watching.

Some students rolled their eyes at the way of talking while the video started


Sera-'Me and John huh.(she half smiled).

Remi-"Well this one seems peaceful"

"Hopefully.."Blyke muttered


"And there goes Zeke.." some students muttered.

"so much for peaceful.."Isen said

"Hey, I'll just rough them up a bit" Zeke said with his smug grin

Arlo and Cecile let out exasperated sighs.


Sera-"That's your real face  huh? I was too naive."

Arlo-"So you beat an helpless cripple, how does it feel Zeke." he commented dryly.

Zeke-"I would rather not hear that from you,Arlo"he snickered

"Better watch your mouth,Zeke" Arlo warned and Zeke stiffened.


"OOOF" Many a students exclaimed.

'Why did I get so riled up..' Arlo thought.

"..Heyy..ok I get I won't do it so don't punch me like that in future"Zeke shivered his ego gone in front of Wellston's king.

'Would Arlo really do it for my sake?I dont think so, there must be some other reason' Sera pondered.

"Wow, those things about Arlo I really admire."(honestly hate me but Arlo got the biggest character development till now after John).


"Damn he's really serious rn" a student commented.

"Maybe he's angry to see a fellow high tier to be reduced to such a state" Abel pondered to which many students seemed to agree.


Arlo- 'I see why now..It wasn't just Seraphina being humiliated but also the fact how despite                      having an ability John refuses to use it to protect his only it really worth it so                         much    that your ready to walk in the path of solitude for protecting your secret.'

 Remi- "You didn't had to punch him too Arlo.."

Arlo- "I must've had my reasons."


Zeke-"HAHAA look at that Johnny boy seems too traumatised." he snickered
Many of his lackeys laughed as well mocking John.

The Low-tiers got convinced who's the stronger and went back to follow zeke and mocking John to gain his approval except few students.

'I was honestly feeling bad for them but I wonder except few of them are they even worth saving. John may not be a powerless guy but he still withstood it all for more than a year despite being so strong I really respect him for never giving up.' Blyke thought.


Isen-"So it's not like that he's scared of Zeke..actually it's probably the other way around" he mumbled quietly.

Blyke hmmed

Many students disregarding the flashback were making bets how long John's gonna last against Zeke .


Many students gulped seeing John angry but were reassuring themselves on how Zeke will beat.Though many ppl like Sera evie roland remi etc were hoping for John to prevail

Everyone were expecting  a close and intense match.


"OOOOFF" almost the whole hall exclaimed, noone was expecting this.

Some let out chuckles but immediatly stopped.

Sera grinned and Zeke clenched his fists hoping for a comeback.


Silence followed the hall

"..Wow you got clapped bad"holden said

Many students laughed but they were now extremely scared of John too.

"Watch your mouth" Zeke hissed

"Same applies to you"Arlo glared



"SHEEEESHH" Isen shouted

"he got stomped ooooff" a student said

Zeke just gritted his teeth while now all the people who bullied John were speechless and terrified.
Isen remembered his deeds and got scared too.



No one laughed.

Many people present had bullied John and now he had beaten the shit outta Zeke who was the ringleader of the midtiers.
Almost everyone were shook by his brutality and scared themselves.

Arlo-'What was the point of hiding his abilities..I don't get it..He seems strong enough to overtake Blyke and become the king after my graduation yet he won't use all that strength'

Sera-'I'm sure you had your reasons John as being this powerful you opted to get beaten up than show your powers..though I selfishly wish you had atleast told me..'

As lotsa of students had their fair share of doubts,confusion,anxiety Tommy(host) laughed it off and proceeded to the next one which made some students annoyed but most of them were eager to see more finding this ordeal scary yet interesting.

Welp guess I updated ...(* ̄0 ̄)ノ

Also check out @BOBBOT164 who too has started an unordinary reaction fic ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) 

Sry if its short :0

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