Take refuge in your bed

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1. take refuge in your bed
2. cry. till the tears stop (this will take a few days).
- Page 133

Win had lingered out of the way in the dorms once they'd pulled up, the guns soon to be dropped off and discussed; and that was no place for her. Her fingers fiddled with the remote, flicking between the channels as a cool beer sat within her fingers. Her body was nestled within the huge bear, the unicorn wrapped in her arms like a comfort blanket. It was boring, knowing she couldn't leave all the time the guy was there, but she had nowhere else to go. 

She reached out for the newspaper, loosely thumbing through the pages as she sat them on her lap. Win knew she had a secure place here, able to drop in whenever she needed to - her father wanting her to take on more of a role in the business. But, she didn't want that; she wanted to do things for herself, it was just one of the many reasons she wanted to go to college in the first place. 

She opened it to the adverts, jobs filling the page. Wanted for paper rounds, leaflet posting, and washing cars mostly. Some hospitality, places looking for busboys and waitresses; mostly for local diners. Her eyes stopped on one, grasping a pen before circling it. An ice cream parlour was looking for someone, sounded like a cute job. Little pink uniform maybe, a long ponytail; serving the biggest scoops to small kids and seeing their faces light up. It was a possibility. Maybe a second job to gather money up, pay for her own place. 

The ice settled on an advertisement; with colour, and smiling faces. St. Thomas'; job opportunities always available. Winnie nipped at her lips, shaking her head; things had gotten ruined for her, and this was her bitter repayment. Throwing the newspaper to the side, she sipped the beer, eyes returning to the screen. Just a stupid romcom, not even anything good. 

Her phone rang, Win turning before picking it up. "Hello?" 

"Winnifred." Fuck, she though, pulling it away. She should have checked the name, she should have fucking looked. 

"Brian." Winnie spat back, raising slightly in the bear's grasp. "I sent you the papers, you have no reason to phone." It was short and curt, but she had no patience for a man like him. 

He smirked, even that screaming with a sadistic, egotistic tang. Fuck him. "Ah, yes. But your mother says she rang you this morning, and you did not keep to your side of the agreement." Her side of the agreement? What agreement? "You're supposed to be pleasant to her." 

Winnie stayed silent for a beat, thinking of her answer. What she really wanted was to tell him he could shove it far up his ass; but she swallowed it back, pushing back a lock behind her ear. "Yes, this morning was an off morning. It won't happen again." Feign an apology, make it sound sweet. 

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