Chapter eleven - I love you

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George found himself in a black void, surrounded by pitch darkness. "Hello!" He called out, "Is anyone there? Dream!" He was met with silence. He started walking around, but no matter how far he went the darkness only seemed to grow, it felt like it was weighing him down. Soon he could barely walk, the darkness was so heavy. How long had he been walking for? Three hours? four? He couldn't remember. He could barely remember anything. How did he get here? And why did he call out dream? What was a dream?

George collapsed in the darkness, he couldn't go on anymore. "Giving up already, are we? pathetic." George could recognize that voice from anywhere. He looked up to see his father sitting on his throne scowling down at him.

"Why are you here?" George could feel fear growing in his heart.

"I hate you, I despise you, You took the only thing that I've ever loved away from me. So I'll do the same to you." A little five-year-old girl was dragged in with a chain around her neck. She looked badly bruised all over her petite body.

"Niki!" George cried out, He couldn't let her die again, but he couldn't move. He tried with every ounce in his body to get up and move but it wasn't working. "Niki, Please, please, Father, I'll do anything j-just don't hurt her, Kill me! Kill me instead! Please, she's done nothing wrong!" His pleads landed on deaf ears.

Suddenly George was just a little boy again, He was weak and defenseless. Niki looked at him and gave him a tearful smile. "It's okay George, it was all worth it, to be your friend."

"Cut off her head!" The king demanded.

"Nooooo!! Please!" George was bawling. He couldn't go through this again. Why did he have to watch her die again? A knight stepped forward and pulled out his sword. George attempted to look away, but his eyes were glued to the horrific scene in front of him. That's when he noticed that the knight was Dream. All the memories of the two of them came flooding back. "Dream, Dream! Please stop! Don't kill her, she didn't do anything wrong! She was my friend! She was my only friend! Please, don't hurt her!"

Dream's eyes looked clouded, he didn't glance over at George once. He lifted his sword in the air and swung it down with force. George closed his eyes and screamed.

George woke up with a jolt. He quickly looked around to take in his surroundings. He was in a guest bedroom in Kinoko Kingdom. His bed was covered in his sweat and it was still pitch black outside his window. George got out of bed and put on his silk robe. He needed to clear his head. He slowly poked his head out the door and looked around, the hallway was completely empty. Wasn't Bad suppose to be guarding him?

George made his way down the hallway and out to the garden. There was a cool wind blowing but George didn't care. It would help clear his mind. George didn't want to think about the dream, it brought up too many painful memories. Things he didn't want to relive.

A bush rustled beside him. it's probably just the wind. he thought. He walked past the cherry blossom tree that he and Karl were at just a few hours prior. He cringed at the memory. George didn't want to think about that. He didn't want to think about anything in his life. God, he was so miserable. He thought if he just got out of the castle he would be happy, but happiness wasn't that easy. He sighed. Once again a bush right beside him started to shake. There was no way the wind was making it move that much. He took a step closer. He slowly moved the leaves out of the way, What was making that noise? He was met with a pair of brown eyes. George jumped back in horror. His father jumped out of the bush and pounced at him.

George woke up with a jolt. He quickly looked around to take in his surroundings. He was in a guest bedroom in Kinoko Kingdom. It was still quite dark outside. Wait? That was all a dream? But it all felt so real. How do I know this isn't a dream? George jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room.

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