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Hi, I finished this chapter a little early so I made Emery an official character design! If you'd like to see it go back to the intro :)

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"Smile wider," Midoriya whispered.

I held Eri's hand and rang the doorbell.

"Can you shut up! Be a real man by standing in front of me instead of behind like a coward!"

Midoriya insisted on being by my 'side' even though the others were in the car.

"Have you ever heard of lady's first Em?"

I rolled my eyes. Though I couldn't see him I could hear his stupid smile through his words.

"Here if you go along with I'll pay you." He implied.

Now, he had my attention.

"How much?"


"Make it 20, but if this Aizawa person is as scary as you say he is I hope he kills you fi-"

The door opened. A tall black-haired man, who I believed was Aizawa, stood in front of us with an unwelcoming glare.

"Midoriya I told you to bring her home by 6!" He yelled.

He didn't bother acknowledging me, his eyes were darting at Midoriya. I let go of Eri's and she ran inside.

"Did you say 6? I could have sworn you said 7:30." He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

He tossed his arm around my shoulder trying to take the attention off him and sadly, it worked.

"Who's this." He asked.

He looked at me for a split second and looked back at Midoriya, hardly acknowledging I was here.

"Emery," Midoriya replied as if I couldn't answer for myself.

His expression changed. I couldn't tell if it was for better or worse. It was like he was peering into my soul.

"This is Emery?"

Midoriya nodded.

"Hm, I expected her to be... brighter."

What the fuck was that supposed to mean.

"He's an asshole," I mumbled.

Midoriya side-eyed me before looking back at Aizawa.

"Well we did what we came here for, we should get going," He smiled.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the grass. I was praying there were no tulips in it.


We both turned around.

"6 sharp next time."

Midoriya gave him a bright smile and we got into the car. I reached my hand out to the passager seat and he just stared at me.

"You want a high five or someth-"

"My money?"

"You'll get your money later, the store closes in 20." Shoto interrupted.

"Or I could just get it n-"


"Fine but we better be going to some fancy high-class store."


It reeked of weed and definitely wouldn't be classified as a "fancy high-class store". It had white and yellow checker floors with isles filled with chips and candy. There were freezers in the back that I assume were filled with soda and ice cream.

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