The Pride Awards

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Welcome to The Pride Awards!

First off, about #DiverselyLit: We are a community of diverse writers wishing to build a safe space for writers with stories much like our own. As such, let this serve as a commencement message for our annual contest taking place during the month of June, with the purpose of amplifying LGBTQIA writers and stories. Since everyone is much too excited, I'll let you all know that the result for this contest will be announced on July first, 2022.

Now onto the good part: 

The Pride Awards are created with the goal of recognizing the hard work of writing positive representation for LGBTQIA characters and stories. We want not only to reward the amazing writers who are severely underrepresented and unheard, but to also selfishly seek them out for our own reading pleasure!

This contest is now officially open for participants, and the following chapters explain our eligibility, rules, and judging criteria. Please go through them before you fill out our forms.

Vote, comment, tag your friends, and #CelebrateYourPride! 

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