Chapter -36 : Realizations!!

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Helena POV:

"You have done nothing wrong so why do you feel embarrassed? I am so happy that you did all that alone. You are brave girl Hele but what you are doing now is pure cowardice"

"That's enough Liam" I was angry for saying that I am coward

"Truth always hurt Hele and this is the truth"

"I am not cowards Liam. I am anything but coward"

"Is it. Then why are you running away from your happiness?"

"He asked me to leave Liam. Cant you understand this simple fact? I wanted him to stop me. But he asked me to leave. When I promised him that I would respect his decision , I decided to do what he wanted. How does this make me coward"

"He asked you to leave, you are leaving – perfect , but why couldn't you say that you wanted to stay with him. Why did you not speak what you wanted?"

I went silent. Its true I never voiced my opinion.

"Because ..."

"you will never have an answer for this Hele. You know why I called you coward because you were trying to protect your heart and in this process you got heartbroken to a higher notch than expected.

Did you ever let Drake know that "you love him" – I am sure "no", everyone around including Drake and yourself know that "you both are madly in love with each other, but you guys were trying to test the waters all the time. Damn you both know , you need each other but never acted. In the end both of you are hurting.

Hele – our happiness is in our hands. If going away and staying away is the only solution then every couple who are in love and facing trouble would rot in sorrows all their lives"

I hate to admit that what he was saying is truth, but there was part of me that still wanted him to stop me. I don't why, but it was important for me.

"Hele – You wanted him to stop you and I do understand why you wanted that, but did you ever think from his perspective?"

"His perspective ?" I looked at him

"Don't you think he had reasons for asking you to leave?"

"I don't know what his reasons are Liam and I don't..."

"Ohh please – you definitely want to know. Don't even pretend or lie." We both went silent

"Hele... if my thought process is correct, he has asked you to leave only because he doesn't want you to regret anything"

"what regret?"

"The regret of not pursuing your dream. You have always said to Pearl, Bert and even Drake that you wanted to be an Investment banker and when the offer from Goldman Inc came, everyone saw how happy you were. Drake knew this is what you struggled for. When you both started seeing each other, you made very clear to him that you would move to NY and work there and become successful and show the world that you did it all alone. When Drake knows what this job means to you, then tell me how can he act selfish and stop you from chasing your dream which is at your footstep? I was numb as reality was dawning upon me , while he took a deep breath and continued

"Lets us assume he would have asked you to stay back and you would have even stayed back- in future if you both supposedly have an argument and in heat of moment had you said - that it was better if you had taken up the job instead of listening to him– can you even imagine how he would feel? He would die of guilt. "

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