Everything has a solution

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The world was dark and silent, it was just me and me only. I had a fire lit lantern and motivation that striked higher than the block limit. I was determined to find him, to find Ghostbur. I'll run if I have to, I'll fight off beasts if I have to. I can feel Ghostbur's presence.. I CAN FEEL IT! But where is he? Why can't I see him "Y/n." I can hear him calling my name "Y/n!" I hear him!.. It felt like a tease, I can hear him and feel him but he was no where in sight, why can't I see you? Please, I love you.

I'd wake up after realizing I had fallen asleep.. It was a nightmare. I hear is white noise but the sound of loud knocking breaks it.. It's 6.28 am. I'd get up and would dress myself in my usual clothing as I hop downstairs, the knocking occurred again but it turned into rushed banging "I'm coming!" I almost tripped whilst running down the stairs to the door as I swing it open.

It was Wilbur and he forced himself in, he'd grab my wrists and would pin me against a wall as his foot kicked the door shut.. What is this? "So, Y/n. I got Ghostbur's memories now." He had a devil-ish smirk on his face as if he was going to use those memories against me.. "And so what?" As soon as I spoke his body got closer as I felt his warmth, he'd put his head to the side of mine and whispered in my ear "I'm still him." No you aren't, shut up. "You're barely him." I'd struggle but his grip was too strong on me "He's not perfect like-" I'd lift my knee up, once again hitting him where it hurts as I ran to Ghostbur's chest of things and took our his enchanted netherite sword, I'd face it towards Wilbur "STOP.." I could hear the fear in my voice, maybe he could too.. He would step forward chuckling at me as he swiftly moved and tackled me, swiping the sword out of my grasp as I fell to the ground. I'd quickly get myself up and turned to him, my nose was bleeding a little and my vision felt dark and fuzzy "This is my life now. I take control of what goes on." I was defenseless as he lifted up the sword, one stab and I'm gone.. "I am the God here now, I get to pick who's alive and who's not." He'd throw his hands down as the sword plunged towards me. There it was, that sweet cold feeling again that I had felt with Ghostbur.

I'd open my eyes, I was now on a train that was going who knows where? The sound of humming came from upfront, as I look over, a conductor appeared. He had dirty blonde hair and I think a mask? A mask. A MASK! It was Dream.. I would rush up from my seat to the standing figure, he'd turn his head to me and was in shock "You're dead?" Even though you could tell he was shocked, his voice was oddly calm.. "Yeah, Wilbur.. He.. He killed me.." It didn't take me long after finishing that sentence to realize that Ghostbur died because Wilbur was brought back.. "Why?" I stood in silence, Dream has the revive book.. He revived Wilbur. "This is your fault.." I'd look up with a death stare in my eyes "YOU DID THIS!" I'd step forward grabbing Dream's collar "You brought him back! You killed Ghostbur! You're the reason my life is slowly breaking!" Even though it's been three days I'm extremely mad.. I've never been so mad. "Calm down there Y/n." Dream's voice was calm as if he was going to reassure me, I'd hold my fist up next to my head "You better have insurance." I'd swing my arm forward at full force as it smashes into Dream's mask shattering it as it falls down, he'd fall back but would catch himself on the seat behind him, his head swung up as his eyes glowed a dreadful red. "Everything has a solution Dream, everything." He dashed for me but I moved to my side dodging it as he flew into the other seat which gave me an advantage as I'd lift my arm up throwing my elbow into his spine as he let out a cough-like scream, after basically disabling him I dashed it for the door's of the train and would force them open, jumping out.

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