A/N Canceled and Future Reboot

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Okay everyone's going to be in a fit of rage upon reading this but I have to canceled this book. Not the series but this storyline.

The reason is because I don't have good ideas for the later parts of Book 2 and not to mention that some parts of it doesn't make no sense. I want to create a series that makes sense. It doesn't have to be 100% realistic but enough to make it interesting.

I'm just restarting the whole series to make it better. And if you're worry about all its interesting lore, don't worry, they'll still canon and will be part of the reboot. This includes all of JuanDeleon198, mothrashines3, Annoywriter42, Drmixer, and booshibooksofficial's ideas and stories (Including the Welcome to Sodor arc!, Characters, and the Miilitary Units).

Also unlike how I used to detele my old stories, I will leave them intact. I'll let everyone know these are the old ones but I'm still working on the series despite the pressure I face.

The Neo-Axis V Mulitverse series isn't gone. It just getting restarted and I will try to understand my mistakes.

I will release the remake of Book 1 soon. Carry on fans of the series.

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