Chapter Thirteen : The Question

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Y/n's POV:

After chatting with Lee and the Twins after I had managed to calm down, I snacked on some of the food they brought up for me and promised to meet them in the Great Hall for Dinner later today.

I told them the password for the Slytherin dormatries and when they got in, they managed to convince Vera to get my stuff from my room. (because boys weren't allowed in the girls dormatries and the other way around). At least enough stuff to last me a week until I was able to go back myself and get the rest. I needed to stay with Percy and his dorm-mates for a while.

I wasn't normally a rule breaker like this, mostly because I hated getting in trouble, but I knew that if I went to Dumbledoor about it he would just send me straight back, no matter how much it was affecting me.

Oh how I love being a Slyherin.

The worst thing was, I didn't know what had happened to Aria and when I asked him about it later, he refused to tell me because they, 'didn't know themselves.'

Oh what a beautiful lie that was. Because the second Lee, George and Fred asked about it he told them imidiently. I would have punched him right then and there if McGonigall hadn't stepped in and defended me.

I was thankful for McGonigall and was planning on telling her the situation myself later, knowing that she wasn't biased at all and was actually very understanding.

Fred, George and Lee had already come in with my stuff minutes earlier and I currently had my nose in one of the books they got for me called 'Delirium'.

I was in the middle of one of the most intense battle scenes of my life when a gentle knock on the door startled me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Callum smiled akwardly.

"Callum? Hey, what are you doing here?" I said, slightly surprised.

"I saw Lee while on my way to the Library and when I asked about you he told me everything. I came to check up on you."

"Ohhh so you asked about me huh?" I chuckled and he laughed lightly. "And yes I'm alot better now, it's really sweet of you to check up on me. I hope I didn't bother you with anything."

"Oh no, not at all. Besides I chose to come up here didn't I?" He grinned playfully.

"That's true." I laughed lightly.

"Come here." I patted spot next to me and when he sat, I placed my book down onto my lap and he opened his arms for me.

I quickly pulled myself into his embrace and wrapped my arms around his chest, taking in his scent as he did the same. I smiled into the hug and held onto him tightly, as if I would fall over any second. I took in his smell of Rose, Sunflowers and Sea salt. It was a weird combination but it reminded me strongly of him.

He pulled away a little later. "I see you're enjoying the book I helped you reach." He chuckled and pointed at the book on my lap.

I giggled. "Yeah, thank you for that by the way, I actually really like it so far."

"I'm glad but uh... Y/n I think there's something you deserve to know since we're friends and all." He fiddled with his fingers nervously and quickly avoided my gaze.

"Of course, go ahead. There is no reason to be scared at all." I gave him a soft look of acknowledgment.

He was about to open his mouth but was interrupted by the shuffling and voices of Percy's dorm-mates entering the room.

"Oh sorry, are we interuppting something? We can leave..." One trailed off.

"It's alright, come on in. I'll have to tell you later." Callum said, shrugging it off and facing me when saying the last part.

"Uh ok... I'll see you later. Bye!" I called out.

What was he going to ask me?

Word count: 683

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