The (non) Foodie

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Dear you,

Here's a letter I never thought I'd write. You know why? Because it's about food and I am not a foodie.

I have this odd feeling that you are one though. I don't know why. Probably because most of the important people in my life have been foodies. Some of my best friends are foodies. But the most important reason why I think you'd be a foodie is because I feel it would make for a great story.

Can you imagine the two of us going on a trip together? Let me paint you a picture. It's a new city. It's one you and I have never been to. You look up all the food you absolutely have to try and the places where it is made best. You even see if there are classes where you can learn how to make it yourself. Now, I have done nothing of that sort. But I laugh when your eyes sparkle at the mention of all the new food you are going to get to try. While I try to get a picture of the beautiful bougainvillea tree outside our room, your hand has already slid into mine and we're already out the door.

While my eyes capture the new colours and shapes of this city, your nose has already attuned itself to the scent of the bakeries and the savoury stores. I try the cake because you love it and the tea that comes only in little colourful glasses. I sit on the floor, cross-legged and eat out of a giant plate because you insist that the authentic way to eat is the best way to experience new culture. It is night and you find a place that serves the local delicacy with red wine on a balcony that is only a few thousand miles away from the moon but doesn't really feel like it.

But that was a trip. Can you imagine us at home? I read somewhere that we have to be careful who we choose as a partner because we're going to share the next 20000 meals with them. I laugh thinking about it. Boy, are you in for a lifetime of overcooked rice but perfectly made toast! And every time you ask what we can order, you'll know the answer will swing between pasta and pizza. While the kitchen will have a shelf full of all kinds of coffee, you will fall in love with green tea too.

I will learn the difference between the green leafies so you won't laugh (although I secretly love your laugh). You will learn to bribe me with the last piece of dark chocolate. Or a cookie. I'm flexible that way. And we will have more chips than you will ever know. Oh, if our fridge could speak, the tales it will tell.

So as you're sitting wherever you're sitting, drinking coffee and wondering what to make for dinner, let me make a suggestion. Pasta or pizza will work. <3

All my love,


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