8 - The Doctor

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Peter Parker finished up the last question on his calculus homework. He slipped it into his backpack. Then he looked across the room to a certain billionaire's feet sticking out from under a shiny blue Ferrari. Tony was singing along loudly and very off tune to an AC/DC song. Pete smiled to himself.

Just then the door opened and in walked Dr. Bruce Banner. Peter was just sat there stunned as his childhood hero walked over to his other childhood hero and tapped him on the foot. The tap scared Tony and he jumped, hitting his head on the car in the process.

"OW! Pete what did I- oh hey Bruce. What's up?" Tony said.

"I came down to see if you needed any help with anything." Bruce replied nervously.

"I'm good I've already got help."


Peter cleared his throat. "Hello." His voice cracked.

Bruce flipped around and met eyes with the teen. They both gave each other a small wave.

"When did that happen?"

Tony shrugged, "Like a month ago."

Peter picked up Banner's mutters, "I need to come down here more often."

Tony laughed. Him and Bruce started talking. Pete was a ways away, mentally composing himself. He took a deep breath and walked over to stand by Stark. There was a break in the conversation and Peter took it.

"Hey Dr. Banner, I really liked your papers on gamma radiation and genetic modification. I had a few questions about quantum mechanics though."

Bruce seemed taken aback. "You've read my work?"

Peter giggled. "Of course! Plenty of times."

Bruce was smiling now too. "Yeah I could answer some questions."


Bruce walked into the commons a few hours later with a stupid grin on his face.

"What's got you so happy Bruce?" Nat asked from her spot at the bar.

"Nothing Nat. Just a fan." He said through his smile.

"You met the kid didn't you?" piped Clint.

"Peter?" A nod from the archer. "Yeah it was Peter."


Peter walked into his apartment that afternoon, a smile still on his face. May strolled into the kitchen.

"What's got you all happy Pete?" She asked.

"I. Met. Bruce. Freaking. Banner."

May smiled a bit sadly to herself, "He was always Ben's favorite you know."

Peter smiled and ran over to hug his aunt. She giggled.

"You're taller than me now Peter. You meanie."

Pete laughed, "Sorry?"


Spider-Man sat perched on the A of Stark Tower. Then he jumped out and swung down. He was now hanging upside down from his web, facing the tower. Spidey lowered himself down until he was looking into one of the only lit up floors.

Spider-Man watched Tony walk back and forth between work tables. He grabbed a wrench from one, a part from another. How he found anything it that mess, who knew. Tony worked on his Iron Man suit, which fascinated Pete as Tony had never taken it out with him.

Suddenly Tony flipped around to look out the windows, clearly suspicious. Spidey gasped and let go of his web, now free falling out of the billionaire's gaze. He webbed to a nearby building and started is journey home.


Peter walked into the lab the next day and Tony was standing, hands on his hips, dad style.

"Uhhh what's up?" Pete asked nervously.

"The others are annoying me about you so you're gonna meet them." Tony explained.

"I'm gonna meet who now?"

"You're going to meet the Avengers."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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