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3rd POV

Sal and Y/n were both held in custody and awaiting trial.

Mr.Enon interviewed both of them just to see if they're going to say the same thing or different.

Their stories were both similar to each other.

Y/n and Sal were put in different cells. Y/n sat on her bed and the memories ran through her mind.

Her eyes glanced at the bars, "I need Sal" she rock herself back and forth in nervousness.

Sal curled into a ball and tears start to run down his cheek. "This is my fault..she shouldn't be in jail with me.." Sal kept blaming himself.

A few days pasted by•

"Y/N! You're up" one of the officers opened up her cell and waited until she got up from bed.

The girl walked to the court room and sat down next to the judge. Y/n scanned around the room to see Ash, Travis, Neil and Maple sitting at the back and Sal sitting at the far left side.

She smiled at him and Sal stared at her in sadness. "Y/n L/n focus now" the judge said while eyeing her.

She looked down at her hands, "so Y/n answer these questions" the man was a bit far from her.

Clare was waiting, "So before the whole Mass Murder what did you see Sal doing?"

"I was sleeping and I have these nightmares that supposedly tell the future and it does, but I woke up to that and saw Sal coming down from the treehouse where Larry died at"-Y/n
"Did Sal kill Larry?"-Clare
"No Sal would never, he was crying that Larry died"-Y/n
"Has Sal ever made you feel threatened and uncomfortable while you were at the Lake or before he started killing the residents?"-Clare
"No, I always felt comfortable and safe with him"-Y/n
"Do you think he's a threat to everyone else?"-Clare

Clare wrote that down, "Dr.Enon? Any thoughts?" The judge said and everyone looked over to him.

"I forgot to add this for Sal's trial but he told me to go to the treehouse right behind the apartment because there evidence that everything is all true, but unfortunately I didn't find anything except junk"-Dr.Enon

Clare raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think Sal and Y/n are a threat to everyone?"-Clare
"For Sal yes and for Y/n no"-Dr.Enon

Y/n eyes immediately went to Enon. The judges whispered to each other.

The judge smash his hammer. "Alright we decided to execute Sal and keep Y/n just in case".

"Execute Sal?! Are you serious?!" Y/n said and stood up. "Miss Y/n L/n don't interrupt!" The judge yelled.

"No! You're going to execute him although he had no choice!"-Y/n
"He's a threat and now silence before you get taken away!"-Judge

Sal blushed when she stood up for him.

"Like I'm going to listen to you!" Y/n yelled back. Clare's papers started to lift up from the table, "Sir..". Y/n and the judge kept arguing.

"Sir!" Clare yelled and the judge looked over. "What?" "The paper!" Everyone's attention looked at the papers levitating.

Y/n's eyes widened, she controlled her powers back and the paper fell down on the table.

The judge looked at her in shocked, "I think she needs to be locked up, now go take to her to the cell".

The officers grabbed Y/n and she shrugged and almost broke free. Everyone stared at her. Sal wanted to help but he couldn't do much.

"Stop officers" the judge demanded. The officers stop in front of the double doors with Y/n.

"Y/n, he's going to be executed in 6 years so in 2004"-Judge
"NO!"-Y/n tried to break free from the two officers grip.

"It's already decided and you don't make the rules nor say what I shouldn't do" the judge glared at her.

Y/n broke free and started to run to the judge to only get knocked out by the officers. Her body fell down and Sal's eye widened and stood up, "Y/N!". The officer next to Sal pushed down his shoulder to make him sit down.

Maple, Ash, Travis and Neil just sat there in sadness knowing they can't do anything.

"Worthless.." the judge smashed his hammer on the table and the officers dragged Y/n away.

Sal sat here staring at his soulmate unconscious body being dragged away.

A tear left his eye and just stared at the ground.

"It's over" the judge said loudly and everyone started to leave. "Come on stand up" the officer said in a stern voice.

Sal slowly stood up still hurt by what happened to Y/n, "hurry up!" The officer yanked him up and took Sal back to his cell.

6 years later...

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