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Warning: may have verbal abuse (so please if any of this triggers you skip this)

     "You can't do this," Finnick sighed, running his hand through hair.

      Today is one of many days that some dread, the reaping day, it's the day where your name gets put in a bowl from ages 12-19 and once it gets drawn, you get put into an area to fight other districts to the death. At the moment Finnick does not want me to volunteer, Finnick the youngest to ever win the games, my older brother, he's been there for me for everything and trained me for whenever the chance that I was chosen to be in the games. All the morning runs, all the sparing, tying, catching and hard work should have a meaning and this is my chance to put it to use.

          "You guys said you needed someone to start it and that moment is now Finnick," I pleaded, pausing. I thought about all the moments that Finnick either stuck up for me or saved me in a situation. "I have to Finnick, I just have to if not for me for you or for those that could live a life without the games,"

         "Just think about it okay," He whispered, placing her in a hug, squeezing me so tightly that if he were to let go that I would suddenly disappear, he places a quick kiss on my head and sighs. "Even if you are in there, I'll be there every step of the way,"


         "She can't live here, THERE IS NO WAY SHE CAN SURVIVE WITH ANY OF YOU!" a 14 year old boy yelled pointing at the two adults in the room. Finnick was chosen for the games and was worried about his sister being alone with their parents. Their father gambled too much making them lose almost everything and their mother didn't do anything to stop it, taking the abuse from her own husband. Causing Finnick to look and provide for himself as well as his little sister.

           "She'll be fine, without the likes of you boy, you're as good as gone, so we might as well sell everything you have," their father sneered shamelessly. "And watch that tone of yours, wouldn't want the guards to clean up and accident would you,"

            "Let me see her at least," he pleaded looking at his mother. The family was in a holding room where the tributes were placed, to say their goodbyes to their loved ones. Giving up his mother went to get Cas, who was waiting outside. His father stepped closer sneering, and pointing angrily "Just because your mother is soft on you doesn't make me soft, you're not going to make it, you hear me! And no one, no one is going to mourn you,"

            "That's enough, he's fighting for our district, show him some respect before he goes out there to fight, you atleast could give him that much," his mother said, coming in, a little girl stood beside her grabbing her fingers. The girl had dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, standing at the height of her waist.

            The little girl's eyes brightened seeing her brother, happily she ran up to him and put him in a bone crushing hug. "I have present for... you," she said with glee, smiling. Cas pointed at her necklace, the necklace was on a gold colored chain, hanging at the end was a small top half of a trident.

           Finnick had Cas on his lap sitting down, he clipped the necklace off the girl's neck putting it on his. "I love it Cassie... I'll wear it forever," he whispered, smiling a sad smile.

            "Yay!," Little Cas smiled. Unaware of what was happening, she wiped a stranded tear coming out of Finnick's eyes. "No cry," she said, crushing her brother in a hug.

            "Hey it's okay... Everything will be okay...Looky," Finnick said, holding his necklace, making Cassie look at him. "I have a present for you too," The necklace Finnick had was a silver chain and at the end of it was a small spear head. He turned her around, clipping it where the necklace she gave him used to be. "I have to go now but remember.. I love you, Always."

End FlashBack

          I looked down at my necklace, lightly tracing it with my finger. "Always," I whispered.


There you have it!
The first of the story line
Hope you liked it!
Commenting and Voting always motivates me to post more!!

Stay hydrated
Eat something
You are gorgeous my love!

Till Next Time!
Signing out- Jas

[not edited]

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