|chapter 6|chit chats in class|

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Fred was about to say 'no',
but the black boy nodded, allowing Diggory to sit in the chair near him.

" Are you sure it's okay with you? " - Cedric asked, wanting to make sure.

" Yeah, nobody sits here anyway. It will be nice to have someone near me. " - Lee gave the Hufflepuff a warm smile and Cedric sat down.

Fred shot a grateful look at the new neighbor but got a smile in return. Fred didn't like Cedric. At all.

' Who does he think he is?! Why would Lee let him sit near him? I don't like Cedric being that close to Lee. I'm quite jealous... Well of course it's Lee's decision who to sit with, but still, he could have asked us. I can't believe that George didn't even notice how that stupid Hufflepuff boy looked at Lee. I don't like Cedric. At all. ' Fred assaulted Cedric in his mind, completely blocking out the whole world, not hearing Lee and George calling his name.

Lee's hand being put on his made him push his thoughts aside. Fred looked up at Lee, who had just put his palm on the back of Fred's hand. Fred felt the blood rush to his cheeks.

' Gosh, I'm blushing ' Fred thought. He knew that if he wanted to stop blushing he should remove his hand from beneath Lee's.

He didn't want to do that tho. Fred was enjoying the feeling of Lee's hand touching his own. He didn't want the feeling of warmth to go away.

" Freddie, are you okay? Do you need to see Madam Pomfrey? I'm worried about you, freckles... " - Lee said with worry in his voice. His beautiful eyes were looking at Fred.

" Now I'm okay. " - Fred grinned and turned his hand, now gently holding Lee's hand.

Lee blushed and was only able to mumble a quiet "Okay..."

They both were looking at each other, blushing and not being able to pull away.

Just then a hand waved in between their both faces.

" Ayo, boys, you good? " - George asked.

" Yeah " - They both answered in unison while pulling each other's hands away. Lee turned back to look to the front of the classroom, obviously not paying attention to the teacher.

Then Lee looked at Cedric, who must have said something funny and they both laughed.

Fred was jealous again.

He glared at the back of Cedric's head, but then heard George chuckle. His glare then went to his twin brother.

" Gosh, you should see yourself! You are so jealous of him. It's so obvious, hehe. But wait, since when do you like Lee? Dude, you should have told me! How and when are you going to ask him out, brother? " - George whispered to Fred, so nobody else would be able to hear.

" Oh, shut it. I don't know when did I start liking him. I guess it was always there, but I just didn't notice. I don't know when or how am I going to ask him out, but I know I will. " - Fred answered to George, but he most likely said this to himself.

" You can already start planning your wedding with Lee! " - George said.

" I didn't even ask him out!" - Fred said flustered. - "Plus he can always say no to my confession. "

" He won't. " - George said, sounding sure about his words.

" How come? " - Fred questioned.

" I saw the way he was looking at you some time ago, I just wasn't sure if he is interested in boys because of all the comments he used to make about Angelina. But hey, bro, I'm dating Angelina, you need to start dating Lee." - George said all of that like it was a very simple thing that is easy to understand.

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