OD - 2 - Beginning

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Today was the day. We had just gotten our required rest, and we were ready to restore the balance in a different way. As I prepared, Paps complimented my sparkly purple outfit, which I smiled to; Paps is the best. I wasn't opposed to wearing the seemingly-drowned-in-glitter clothing, but I was going to be relieved when I could wear my old clothes again. I grinned when I entered the living room, finding my family in their color-coded outfits; Killer wore a black one so his determination's dripping wouldn't make obvious stains, Horror wore a red one to match his aesthetic, Cross wore a black and white one to imitate his old outfit but with a red stripe around the waist of his jacket, Error wore a blue and red one, and Nightmare joined me by wearing purple as well. We spoke about the day ahead of us as we waited for the time to reach noon, when opposite day would commence; we hoped that the heroes were playing along, since that would have made it so much more fun! Of course, they did have the option of being stalked at night if they didn't, which probably sealed the deal; we were glad that Killer had suggested that in order to compel them into accepting our proposal.

"How much longer?" Killer stretched boredly.

"Two min'tes." Horror answered, staring at his watch.

"Can we make time go faster?"

"Anti-Void's making time slower right now." Error shook his skull; Nightmare had created a device to see how time was being affected by the Anti-Void at any given point, just in case.


"D-don't worry, i-it shouldn't take t-too much longer." Cross reassured.

"How much longer now?"

"A minute and a half." I responded, making sure my camera was functioning perfectly for the day ahead.

"Ugh.." Killer slid down the couch in a dramatic fashion, letting his boredom become even more known.

"Is everyone ready?" Nightmare inquired.

"I'm ready." I finished cleaning the lens on my camera.

"Ready." Horror nodded.

"I've been ready!" Killer groaned.

"You're just eager, Killer." Error snickered. "I'm ready."

"I-I'm ready." Cross confirmed.

"Right." Nightmare smiled, turning his attention to his watch. 

We all looked to our wrists in anticipation for the minute that we would be able to restore the balance and have fun without being absolutely trampled; that game of AU Chase had ended horribly..Killer had taken all of us us into Underswap once in a "gang up" against him, but it happened that the protectors had been waiting for us to show up. We had been faced with over twenty of the strongest judges just for playing a simple game, and we hadn't been prepared for it in the least; we had been surrounded, and Nightmare had come just in time to keep them from possibly killing us..we weren't allowed to play AU Chase for three months after that incident, and Underswap was off-limits for a year. After that memory played out through my mind, Papyrus wished me luck with the positivity spreading - he was going to do something else for the day - before heading off with Chara; he's the best. Soon enough, our watches simultaneously hit noon, and we entered portals to our first stop: Outertale. We looked up at the stars happily, noticing that the light from them was making our outfits sparkle; okay, that was pretty cool.

"I'm sparkly!" Killer jumped jovially, spinning around in the light.

"I thought black absorbed light.." Nightmare hummed.

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