Chapter 3: Wild Dragon

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"Wow he's a feisty one he isn't he?" Said a tall boy (Simon) they were all staring at him up in the tree.

"Well what did you expect, he's been out in wild for so long he's probably not use to people." Said another boy with pointed ears. (Eric)

"Well how the hell are we supposed to get him done?" The taller one (Simon) said again. The others were just standing there watching him making sure that he doesn't move.


They all started at him all quiet.

"That was the cutest roar that I've heard!" A boy with wings said. (Ben)

"I thought he was a dragon shouldn't he have a bigger roar then that."

"Well didn't Mathew say that he was a different breed? Could that effect it? You know maybe he's not suppose to to be loud?" Another boy said.

But in that moment of distraction Ender left. He carefully climbed down the tree, and was slowly walking away trying not to make a sound.

"If only." Mathew said quickly picking Ender up and holding him.

Ender wiggles around trying to get Mathew to let him go. But it didn't work.

"Boys I thought I said to watch him. It looks like you did the exact opposite and almost let him run away." Mathew said, holding a struggling Ender.

"Sorry." They all said. Some with blushes on their faces at not noticing that he left.

"Hmm, let's go in. After all I have to introduce to you the new member of our household."

They all nodded and went inside.

Once they were all in, Mathew let go of Ender. Who quickly ran and went into a corner, watching them all. He was like a feral dog, growling and snapping at anything that moves. Well maybe more like a wild dragon, or perhaps a baby dragon.

"Ender I know your nervous, but its all alright now. Okay? Just breath in slowly can you do that little Dragon?" Mathew said softly knowing that he's scared and it certainly didn't help with the continuous moving.

Ender glared at him. He looked between him and the other boys who are farther away from them.

But that when he saw it. As Ender was looking between them, he saw a glint in the corner of his eye. Ender carefully looked to his side and saw it. A very shiny object in the room.

In his crouched position he slowly went to it. Looking between the shiny object and the multiple people that are in the room with him.

He wants it though, so he will gladly take it. After all it's in his nature to take it. It's shiny how can he not!

Mathew and the others just stare at him letting him move around. Thinking that he's trying to find a safe place because he's scared. They let him. But what he did next, none of them were prepared for. Or maybe everyone except Mathew, who smiled lightly at it.

As Ender got close to it. He took it and held it protectively to his chest, while growling and glaring at them.

"Well would you look at that, I thought you were one. But I wanted to sure." Mathew started, looking to him and back to the others.

"What is he? I mean I thought he was just a dragon? An why the hell is he taking things!" Mason said while crossing his arms.

"He is a specific kind of dragon. One that old stories always mess up on." Mathew said.

"They sometimes take things that are of value but not always. Whatever something is considered 'shiny' they take. They were actually kept as pets and guardians of treasures. As once they see something that they like, they take it. With no regard of consideration.
They will certainly die before some else takes it. Which is very troublesome, he took multiple things ranging from jewels to jewelry. He won't part with them."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"Unless he gives it up willingly, it's going to be in his nest. A place that he feels comfortable and safe, but that could be anywhere. But even if I find it, he's not going to part with his treasures."

"He doesn't have to know that you gave it all back." Sean said.

"He's gonna know, they have this sense. Like when a mother can sense something is wrong her child." Mathew said.

"We have to trade with him, but to be able to do that.  We have to gain his trust which could take a bit."

"You can do it right? Your a dragon your like cousins right or some sort of family related?" Asher said while looking at him.

"That's our only option right now. I'm going to try and gain his trust, then once we're at a mutual level. We can slowly introduce you guys." Mathew said.

"Simon how about you start dinner, and you guys go and do your chores." Mathew said. They all nod their heads and went to their respective chore.

Ender was looking at his objects that he recently got. He was looking at them and cleaning them. (Wiping them down)

Mathew was staring at him wondering how he was gonna gain his trust when it hit him.

'Of course.'

Mathew looks in his pockets and takes out a coin. It was a bit dirty, but it was certainly very shiny.

He kneels close enough to him and holds it out to him. Ender looks to him and growls, till he sees the coin.

He stops, and stares at it. He looks to Mathew and then to his hand where the coin is in.
A very shiny coin, that he so desperately wants, so hd slowly crawls to him.

An once he's close enough, he slowly and cautiously takes it. But he doesn't move, he stays close to Mathew and looks to him.

He sniffs him and stares at him, looking at him and trying to figure out what he is. Or most importantly why he likes him.
( because he's a dragon he's gonna have a closer relationship with him then the others but later on he will like them all equally.)

"We aren't going to hurt you Ender, your safe here. Please try and remember that." Mathew said as he lightly touched his head and softly pet through it.

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