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Damon pov.

Once I had woken up, I had realized that my body was tied to a pole. My hands tied around it. I was outside. The sun was shining brightly.

I soon came to realize that I was naked and Audrey was sitting in a chair beside me.

"Now that you have woken up, I have chosen a special punishment. You didn't have to run, hurt yourself, nor hide. But since you've made your decision, I've made mine." Audrey said and snapped her fingers.

"Isaiah. Start with three. We can work out way up. Make sure it tears skin or you're next." She said.

"I'm so sorry Damon. Please forgive me." Isaiah said.

"You're fine. I'm not mad. Just get it over with." I said.

Everything was blurry as tears began to fall down my face. A crack filled the air as a long strip of pain flashed over my back. I gritted my teeth as it didn't hurt as bad as I thought.

"Harder." Audrey said. Another whip and a small whimper left my mouth. The skin on my back welted up before tearing apart.

Another whip against my back made me yell out.

"Good boy. Again. Another three." Audrey said.

"I-I can't." Isaiah said. I heard something drop into the ground. I'm guessing it's the whip.

"Please Isaiah. Just do it. For Delilah..." I whispered and squeezed my eyes shut. A tear slipped down my sweaty forehead.

"Okay..." He said. A short amount of silence rung out before a crack and my scream filled the air. A giggle came from Audrey.

Another crack and my scream filled the silence. Another crack. Scream.

"I want five more then you're done." Audrey said.

My head hung down as he hit me again with the whip. I yelled.

"Fuck..." I whispered. Another crack and my scream. Another four more cracks and screams left me panting for breath.

"That's enough." She said.

I let out a sob and clenched my hands. My knees were in pain as the rough rocks dug into them.

Isaiah rushed to me and helped get the rope off. I fell to the side and coughed out blood. Everything was in pain. I could hardly move without my body screaming out in pain. I felt Isaiah help me up. I screamed out.

I fell back to the ground. "Get him up." Audrey said. "I don't want to hurt him." Isaiah said.

I was breathing really heavy. Every breath made my body hurt worse and worse. My lungs felt like they were going to blow up.

I felt a rough pair of hands grab me. It wasn't Isaiah. I screamed in pain as they dragged me up. My body was dragged against the ground. I cried in pain.

A door was kicked open before I was being dragged up stairs. That was the last thing I felt before I blacked out.


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