Dying! Reader x Luffy. Death do us part.

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'It can't end like this...' the cliche thought ran through her head. But, it truly couldn't.

Two years she had been separated from her crew, and the day before they were all reunited... her slowly deteriorating body, had finally broken.

'I... I have to see Luffy! The last time he saw me I...'

Thoughts of the last time she saw her captain ran through her brain.


"______! Don't try and fight him, just run!" She heard her captain cry out. She wanted to, she really wanted to. But the rage in her heart had been struck like a match, and the flame would not burn out until she had avenged her 'fallen' crew.

Two hidden blades slipped from their position on her wrists. The deadly poison that coated either, dripping off and melting the earth it touched.

With a blood-lusted battle cry, she sprinted towards the abnormally large man and lept high in the air. Both blades poised to strike either shoulder. But just before contact, Kuma raised his left hand, and swatted her away as if she were no more than a fly.

Her already battered body smashed into a tree, before plummeting to the grassy-floor beneath her. Heaving for air, she coughed and sputtered blood. Each breath she drew in caused her agony, every desperate beet of her heart nearly killed her.

"NO! STOP, PLEASE!" That desperate voice of Luffy rang in her ears once again. And she only just managed to crane her back slightly to notice the rapid approach of bible-bearing warlord.

"STOP!STOP! PLEASE, DON'T HURT HER ANY MORE!!" Tears streamed down her face as the rubber boy begged for her life, but she knew his words were empty. She knew in a matter of moments, she would suffer the same fate as the rest of her crew.

"Luffy!" She called out, ears pricking up at the sound of his footsteps sprinting towards her in a futile attempt to make it to her before Kuma.

"Lu'..... We'll meet again!" She sobbed, pupils shrinking as she watched the rapid approach of the fabled right hand on the warlord.

"I promise!" And then, she was gone.

*end of flashback*

The past two years, she had grown no stronger. Only weaker.

Her body had received so much pain and injury, she had to spend the past two years simply recovering..... Or trying to recover.

She had slipped in and out of comas none stop, her heart had stopped multiple times. And now, her body had just given up.

And she was never going to see Luffy again...

'Luffy,Zoro,Nami,Usopp,Sanji,Chopper,Robin,Franky,Brook...' She screamed the names in her head, not even having the energy to whisper them aloud as her vision began to fade.

'Thank you! Thank you all for making my life so amazing! Please, don't mourn for me! I Love you all! I'm sorry I couldn't see you accomplish your dream Luffy.... but you can do it without me!'

Her quivering lips twitched upward slightly as she thought of Luffy sat upon a golden thrown, a jewel encrusted crown atop his head. Above him read a sign written by himself in backwards and mispelt writing that said 'pirate king.'

Her lips parted gently and with weak and broken words, she managed to speak a sentance to the one accompanying her in her last moments.

"Tell him I love him...tell the world... to wave the Strawhat flag...."

He nodded. "Of course." Her smile grew slightly, before it quickly faded and blood once again came sputtering out of her throat.

Her eyes glanced down to the golden band on her finger. A symbol of her and her captains union.

When she first met Luffy, he was pretty determined on not getting married. But as a year ticked on, the idea became something he didn't resent. And in the end, something he wanted enough to get down on one knee and ask for.

Yes they were both young, but they understood eachother in a way no one seemed to understand.

The young girls eyes slowly began to slide shut for the last time, when a thought popped into her head. Even though she broke her promise of meeting Luffy again, she did manage to keep one promise. A promise she knew she would never break.

"Do you promise to love him, nurture him, protect him? In sickness and in health? Until death do you part....."

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