Seven|| The Hit and Run List

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Will and Ellie on top.

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in." -Tay Tay

Seven|| The Hit and Run List

"Don't forget to read chapter twenty!" Mr. Harper screamed after us as we all got up on a rush.

This day had been eternal and the students seemed to know it. They were practically hurling themselves out the classroom doors and so was I. I was extremely relieved that Jenna hadn't tried to brutally murder me through out the day. But I don't think I had gotten out of the Hit and Run list. I still had to watch my back and try not to die.

I spotted Will by my locker, looking down on his watch with a worried expression. I'm pretty sure he had heard about Jenna's psychopathic ways.

"Elise!" he exclaimed, calling me by my full name, "You're not dead!" He wrapped his arms around me. "You're not getting rid of me that easily," I joked with a small chuckle.

He let go of me and looked me with his baby blue eyes. He was wearing a Green Day shirt and his blond hair was a mess. "There's a rumor going around that you had your blood smeared all over the lockers," he laughed. I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm. He was so gullible.

All signs of laughter suddenly disappeared from his face and his eyes narrowed, but he wasn't looking at me, his gaze had moved to something behind me.

"Sup, Hastings?" I didn't need to turn around to figure out who that deep voice belonged to. "You ready, Dork?" Yeah, I totally knew who it belonged to.

"Where are you going?" Will inquired as I turned around to get a glimpse of the Devil himself. There was an awkward silence while I came up with a way to tell him. Parker wasn't of much help, he was twirling his keys in his index finger with a smirk on his face. As if knowing I was going to make a fool out of myself.

"I'm meeting Parker's parents," I answered and I could feel my face going red. Will's eyebrows went up as he processed the information. "Calm down, Hastings. It's only dinner, no need to get jealous," Parker covered.

Will turned to glare at Parker who was still looking carefree and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I'll be next door anyway so don't worry," I reassured. Will's features didn't change, though. He still had a sour expression. "Actually," Parker added, "I moved back to my place last weekend."

What? Why hadn't anyone told me? This could have been helpful information!

"Call if you need anything," Will grunted and I nodded. I then pushed him playfully towards the exit that lead to the bus stop. "Go before you miss the bus," I said with a smile. Will rolled his eyes, turned around, and started walking through the now empty hallways.

Parker chuckled and suddenly started walking towards the opposite direction Will had gone. "He's such a dramatic boy," he admitted. I scowled and jogged until I caught up to him. "Only around you," I replied with a unlady like snort.

Parker ignored my comment and pushed the exit door open. "Let's establish some rules here, dork," he said in a serious tone. I groaned as he started taking long strides towards his car. This guy had to slow down.

"Do not look my mom in the eyes, she can tell when you're lying," he admitted carelessly as he unlocked his car, "Let me do most of the talking." I opened the door and jumped in. "And for the love of God, please don't get nervous. My mom can smell fear, " he finished as the soft purr of the engine rumbled in the background.

I hope he's joking but I couldn't really tell; Parker had a killer poker face.

"So," I started, "How's life?" Don't get me wrong, I didn't actually want to know about him but it was either start small talk or be in silence for the rest of the ride. I don't know about you but I'm not really fond of silent car rides. I'm not fond of being with Parker period.

He glanced at me with raised eyebrows and smiled sarcastically. "Great, I'm on my way to my mother's house with the girl of my dreams. What else could I ask for?"

I laughed loudly for a few seconds and then wiped the fresh tears in my eyes. "Nice one, Park," I admired. He didn't give any sarcastic remark like I expected him to so I turned to look at him. He looked slightly surprised which was pretty weird.

Then I noticed my mistake. I had called him Park and only his friends got to call him that.

"We're here," he stated as he shut off the engine.

Well, I'm officially going to die.

Author's note

Okay, guys, last votes were... depressing. But you know what? I don't care, I love it!

I have realized that I'm pretty lucky to have this number of votes and I love you guys for that! So keep doing what you do just pretending that you're cool and don't stop doing what you're doing! -5 Seconds of One Direction

See what I did there? No? Sorry.

So, this chapter is dedicated to FairyTaleMushrooms because she has an amazing story and her character, Sarah, just cracks me up! You should go check it out.

Question: You like the cover? I made it myself... I'm getting better at cover making.

Love you guys and don't forget that Ellie and Will are on the side.

Floatsus out!

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