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Magnolia woke up to Will Solace popping out from behind the foot of the bed. Both denying that they may or may not have screamed. There had been a few minutes of confused yelling as Magnolia tried to figure out why she was in the infirmary at acmp. The last thing she remembered was getting in the car with...

"Oh my gods! Will, what the heck happened?" she asked the eight year old boy.

"Well, what I managed to get out of him was something about a car crash, his mom disappearing in shower of gold, and fighting a mythological monster that, and I quote, was an big ugly thing that bore resemblance to Maggie's attempts at drawing a man."


"What?" he questioned, though Maggie could clearly tell that he was trying to hold back a laugh. "That's what he said!"

Magnolia laughed out loud, promising that she would kill Percy once she found him. She carefully pried the blankets off her sweaty legs, sighing upon realizing that she would have to get a new skirt, or at least use the excuse to never buy a skirt again, and get a new hat. Oh the disappointments that life brought. Magnolia quickly downed the glass of nectar beside her before preparing herself to jump out of bed.

Nectar was the drink of the gods, something that Maggie found weird because it looked more like apple juice than something an immortal might drink. However, after so many years, its appearance no longer surprised the girl. She knew that the drink had the magical abilities to heal demigods, at least in small doses if they didn't want to go up in flames, quite literally. The thing that always caught her by surprise, no matter how long she had been going to Camp Half-Blood and how many times she had gotten injured, was the taste. Nectar, along with ambrosia (what Maggie argued was the solid form of nectar, although Will always argued that they were different things), tasted different to everyone depending on what taste brought back the happiest memories. Last time she had had some, a few days before going back home for the summer, the nectar had tasted like the cake her neighbor, Ms. Darcy, had given her for her birthday. Now, however, she could taste the distinct flavor of the molasses cookies Charlie, Selina, and her neighbor had sent her during the school year.

Not waiting another second to track down her best friend, Magnolia got up and walked out of the infirmary. She didn't miss the threat Will yelled after her if she ever decided to scare him like that again. She had almost walked twenty steps before realizing that she should probably change first. Oh, and attempt to find the backup glasses she stored in her trunk.

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