19: Second time

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"This boy." Minho frowned when he saw Taehyung's phone lying on the table. He was done with his lunch and when he got up to return his tray, his gaze fell on the old phone. He decided to return that as it was still lunch break and walked to the elevator to press the button but something was wrong with that and shrugging that he took the stairs.

He was about to reach his new department when Taehyung's phone buzzed and a new message showed over the screen.

"You've 3 hours Mr. Kim and we are waiting-" That's all that showed over the screen, quipping his interest instantly. 

"3 hours for what?" He frowned as curiosity was building inside him.


"It's almost 2 hours, Park. Find him and tell him to face me." Jungkook gritted his teeth. The files were piling up and his personal secretary was gone after lashing out at him.

"Sir, it's a lunch break for now," Jimin said lowly, already cautious of his words as he could see the other fuming in anger.

Jungkook cocked his brow at that and slammed his hand over the table.

"I don't know! Find him, call him, or whatever. Tell him to be there within 5 minutes or I'll definitely kick him out of this company!" Jimin nodded his head and quickly stormed out to get the file of Taehyung to have his contact number.

"Oh, Mr. Park?" Someone called him midway.

"Mr. Lee?" Minho nodded his head.

"Actually, Taehyung left his phone on the table. I thought if you could return it to him as I don't feel comfortable going inside there." Minho said, pointing towards Jungkook's office.

Jimin's professional smile faltered on that.

"But he isn't there. I mean, Mr. Kim is not there, not even in the whole department. I was about to contact him as well." The blond said with a concerned tone and that's when Minho's face twisted in sort of shock.

"What? But he left about an hour ago!" Minho exclaimed, he looked very worried for the very first time. Jimin was also getting worried for the boy.

"Do you know any of his other friends in this company?"

"No, Semie is the closest to him but she's on a leave," Minho replied.

"I think we should-"

"Mr. Park! The elevator is stuck I guess. Please inform the service center. We have to take the stairs." One of the employees said while massaging his legs.

Jimin nodded his head as the boy was more important for now. He decided not to tell Jungkook about that for now. What if he actually fire him on the spot for this type of behavior? So, he decided to search for the boy by himself.

"You look in the departments while I take a look at the roof," Jimin suggested to which Minho agreed, and both parted ways. In his way, Jimin did inform the service center as well.

Minho was searching for Taehyung, halted when he heard someone.

"Oh, my God! Did you hear that? Someone is in the elevator for about an hour."

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