Talking to the order

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Jasmine's POV

Over the course of the next week, we destroyed the Manors of the rest of the lords who funded the Death Eaters.

Riddles sources where quickly depleted.

We killed or fatal injured any Death Eater we came across.

Dumbledore wasn't amused however.

The bastard old goat thought that the Death Eaters could be reformed into shining members of the community.

I wanted to laugh in his face then stab him in the heart.

The Order of Flaming Chickens ran around the countryside trying to track us down.

They forget that we are the Hunters of Artemis and we train under the Goddess of hunting.

Finally, I got annoyed enough to shadow travel to Grimmuald place and kick down the front door in the middle of a meeting.

Instantly wands were pointed at my face.

"You know," I drawled "This is a war, not a game of tag."

A couple members lowered their wands but I remained standing.

"Miss Potter-"

"Its Moonshade goat." I snapped "Jasmine Moonshade. That's my name, get it fucking right. The Potter's don't want me and I don't want to be one of them."

His eyes flashed angrily. "Miss Moonshade." he spat "Care to explain this!?"

He thew the latest copy of the Daily Prophet onto the table.

There was a list of articles about the war, detailing the destruction of the Manors, the deaths of pureblood lords, and whoever was doing this was doing a much better job than the Order of the Phoenix.

Rita Skeeter wondered if Jasmine Potter was back in England and that was why the war was turning better.

I looked at Dumb-as-a-fucking-door. "Well she's getting the facts straight other than my name."

Dumbledore looked furious. "You don't deny this!?" he asked me.

"What, taking down all of the Death Eaters? Of course not! Sure we killed them but hey it got the job done."

Dumbledore shook his head like a disappointed grandfather scolding his grandchild. "Miss Moonshade, violence is not the answer."

"And letting them go with a slap on the wrist is? People die in a war, and this isn't even a real war." I scoffed.

I quickly draw my bow and shot Lupin with a half silver half Stygian Iron arrow. He screamed in pain but didn't die.

"Just know this Lupin," I said coldly "I am a Hunter, and I kill monsters. You are a monster, and werewolf, so eventually I will kill you."

I then turned to them. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMM IF YOU ALL DIE!" I yelled "You abandoned me as a baby, and you don't want me back, you want the Girl Who Lived! To bad she's dead! The 'hundreds of lives' in danger are the very ones of those who abused and abounded me! The Dursley's were the only ones before I left who cared for me! And I know who killed them Dumbledore so I will kill that person. I don't want to be here. I don't give a damm if I kill Lupin because he is a werewolf. He's a monster."

"He's not a monster!" Sirius yelled.

"He's a werewolf, henceforth a monster." I said dismissively. "Speak Lupin and I'll stab you with a entirely silver arrow in the brain." I said, and the werewolf closed his mouth.

Coward. I scoffed into his mind.

"You want to know something werewolf? My sister Runa can control monsters, they can't disobey her physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, any thing you can think of the monsters can't disobey her. Lupin is a werewolf and henceforth under her control." I said, looking him dead in the eye, and he paled even more.

I grinned sadistically.

"And you want to know something about Dumbledore?" I said, turning around in a short circle. "He used to be best friends with Grindelwald. He's trying to find a way to cheat death. Too bad, that won't happen. And he was raising the 'Chosen One' like a lamb to slaughter so when the 'Chosen One' was killed you could swoop in and save the day, so you could be even more rich and famous. I bet you didn't discover when you found out I was the one who survived that night. I bet you didn't like when you found out I couldn't be controlled."

"I'm a daughter of Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Remember that when I make you all go to Fields of Punishments, because Father hates it when his children are hurt so you all signed the one way ticket to the Fields of Punishment when you first hurt me. Now Goodbye, fuck off."

I flipped them all of and shadow traveled away back to the Hunter's camp.

Scene Change, Hunter's camp

I reappeared in the Hunters camp. "You okay?" Runa asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Now we need to contact Snape." I announced.

"Why?" Jada asked but Artemis looked at me, she had figured out why.

"So he can kill Voldemort's snake, Nagini." I smiled. "Let's get this over with so we can go home everyone!"

That is today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter.

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