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Jimin and Aami sneaked inside the school. Luckily no one saw them. Without wasting time, they directly headed to the security room. On the way, Aami heard some noises. She held Jimin's hand and turned to inspect if someone was following them.

It was dark in the corridor and they still had a long way to go.



This time both heard the voice. They dared to turn around but before they could—

"Aami? Ji—"

"I am sorry. We are sorry, sir. We just came to study—"

"Jimin! They are Yoongi and Hoseok." Aami told him, placing her hand on his back.

Jimin raised his head and saw others laughing. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We want to ask the same question." Hobi retorted.

"For the footage." Aami anwered, looking at Hobi.

"We came for the same reason." Yoongi scratched his head.

"Why did you come? If someone sees you, we will all be in danger." Aami whisper-yelled.

"I can't stay still. We don't have much time to waste. Let's go."

Jimin and Aami sighed. They knew, they can't stop him.

They all headed to the security room. When they reached, they saw the door opened. Slightly. They were afraid about being caught by security—

"Tae, shut up. Let me do my work." They all heard low whispers and recognized the immature noises. God! What if someone else were here?

They opened the door slowly.


Both screamed with high pitch but were quickly stopped by Hobi and Jimin's hand on their mouths.

"What the heck? What are you guys doing here?" Aami asked.

"Um... we came for footage." Tae looked down.

"Why??? Even if you came, don't you know you should at least, be quite. What were you doing here? Telling everyone that you wanted to steal the footage out loud?" Aami neared both and yelled lowly.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jungkook asked, completely ignoring Aami's words.

"We came for the same reason. But why you?" This time it was Yoongi.

"Do you guys know it has security lock? How were you supposed to open it?"

Everyone looked at each other and then saw Kookie and Tae smirking.

"You guys are so dumb." Kookie cleared his throat. "I noted the password today afternoon when we were here."

"Wow!! Great!" Everyone except Yoongi clapped for Kookie.

"Let's not waste time, guys." Yoongi seemed restless. All nodded and Kookie searched for the footage in the computer.

When he found the video, he almost jumped.

"Guys. Found it." He turned to them.

"Yayy." Jimin cheered lowly. "Now. Let's quickly copy it and leave."

"Yes." When kookie turned to the computer he remembered something. "Umm.. Guys, did anyone bring a pendrive?" he looked at their shocked faces.

"What? You came here with plan and didn't bring a pen-drive?" Aami yelled.

"You came here with plan too." Kookie yelled back.

"UGH!! Everyone's impossible. How are we supposed to get it?" Hobi stepped in.

"You didn't bring a pen-drive?" a new voice was heard by them and they all ducked down on the floor.

"We are sorry, sir." Jimin was first to apologise.

"We will not repeat this, sir." Tae joined both of his hands and closed eyes.

"Stupids! I didn't expect this from you Aami."

This made everyone raise their heads. They looked the person they were least expecting.

"Jin hyung?" Tae asked.

"Thank god that it is me." Jin came inside and showed pen-drive to Kookie. Jungkook took the pen-drive and went to copy the video.

"Ohhhh... Jin oppa~~~~" Aami smiled and went to Jin. "You are really very smart!" This made Jimin clear his throat.

Aami moved away from Jin and scratched her head. Jin patted her head. "I thought at least you'll show smartness." He shook his head.

"Um...Hehehe." Embarrassment was clearly visible on her face.

"Got it. Let's go."

They all left the room and walked to the exit. When they were about to jump off the wall, they heard few teacher's voices. Like it was an alarm, they all ran towards the safest place they could make out. Kitchen.

All of them got split into groups and hid behind anything that can hide their bodies.

Aami, Tae, and Jin stood near refrigerator, behind the food supplies. Rest hid under the table. Few minutes later, they felt safe to leave the place. But before they could leave, Aami called them.

"Guys." Aami was holding a food baggage.

"What happened?" Jimin whispered.

"Guys. This is expired." She sounded terrified. "Actually." She looked into other baggage. "They all are expired." She looked at everyone's shocked faces.

"Oh god! This is the reason for all the food issues we were having." Yoongi realized.

"We don't have time. Firstly, let's get out of here." Jin told them.

Luckily, they all got out of the school safely. In the park, everyone had their heads low in front of Jin. He looked very angry.

"Great work. It was really a super idea to risk yourselves. All of you." Sarcasm was clear in his tone.

"We had no choice, hyung." Hobi told him.

Jin sighed knowing it was true. "Never repeat this. It was very dangerous. Already we have Yoongi whom we need to help and if you guys get into trouble it will only increase issues."

"I looked into video a little. I saw some people carrying things." Jungkook told everyone.

"Guys. I—I think there is something else in the footage. That is why principle wasn't letting us look at it." It was Aami and she looked very suspicious about everything.


What do you think is in the video?

And the food?!!!!!! let's find it out together!

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