Chapter 1

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3rd Person's pov

Jungkook is doing the dishes slowly. He already feel so weak, so tired, the dark circles under his eyes are already a hint that he didn't sleep for 2 days and the paleness on his skin and lips showing just how weak the 20 years old boy is. He slowly wash the dishes and carefully dry them with the towel.

Suddenly, he heard a footstep coming down the stairs. He didn't react, he just ignore it. Until, he heard those footsteps is approaching the kitchen.

"Hey! Useless, you better cook a good damn food when I come back or else you'll be sleeping with miri tonight." A woman on her 40's said, as she wears her earrings and look at Jungkook's back, well more like glare at him.

"Yes, Mother." Jungkook said, without even looking at his so called mother.

"Good, and don't touch any of the food unless we told you so." The woman said as she walk away and Jungkook just sigh tiredly.

Honestly, that woman isn't really his mother. Its his step mother, the same woman who his late father married to take care of him. His true mother died when he was 10 and his father thought that its a good Idea to get married and have woman in the house that would care for him.

It was a good start, his step mother did take care of him until he was 12. But after a year, when his step mother founds out that he is an omega wolf (with most wolf think that being an omega is a cancer to society in the wolf), his step mother completely change and treat him less kind. His father didn't notice because whenever his father is around the woman acts like she was some kind of angel, and when his father is away, then that's where this woman's true color would show.

Honestly, Jungkook didn't understand what's so wrong being an Omega. He didn't know that other wolves view omega as sluts, whore and good for nothing but to be fucked. They are weak, and they are the lowest rank, they are disgrace. Jungkook don't know of that.

His oblivious.

But, when his father died in an accident when he was 16 everything seems to fall apart. He lost his father, leaving him under the care of the wicked step mother who stole all the legacy that his father left him.

In truth, Jungkook's father is an owner of a successful gaming company. His father is one genius gaming creator and someday Jungkook just want to become like his father. Afterall, he loves playing video games.

But, when his father left him the wicked step mother took over the business and failed because she didn't have any education about Ganing Company. She blame that to Jungkook who is still a young 17 years old. That time, her miserable treatment got worst.

She treat Jungkook like her personal slave, making Jungkook do the chores and work part time Jobs. But Jungkook doesn't have any benifits with his own salary because his step mother always took it and spend it with her own needs and her child.

Yes, her child, Jungkook's Younger brother Eun byeol. The sole reason why Jungkook is still staying and tolerating the things that his step mother do to him. He loves his younger brother and so thus Byeol love his Hyung very much. 

Jungkook's step mother got re-married after giving birth to Byeol since she find it hard to take care of a child alone. She didn't even consider Jungkook, she only think Jungkook is just a burden. His step father do treat him the same as his step mother does. 

He sometimes wonder if this is his life until the end. 



Jungkook is making dinner, he taste it and when it was good he nod and start to set the tables with 3 plates and place the dinner. He can't even eat his own dish because he'll get punish when he does. According to his step parents, an omega like him doesn't deserved to sit and eat at the same table as them. Its like that Servants has no right to sit and eat at the same table with the royals. 

Soon the family were back and his step mother went to sit on the dinning table while she cross her legs and start to sroll something on her phone while his step father just sat down and start eating. 

Jungkook sigh, his stepparents doesn't have a proper manner. He saw his younger brother gave him a small smile before he head to the sink and wash his hands as he walk to his sit and close his eyes as he said 'Thanks for the food' before start to eat. 

"Hyungie cowm weat us." The 2 years old kid said. Byeol is a little advance for his age because of his trueblood wolf that he got from Jungkook's father which is Byeol's father as well. Wolf grew by months thats why they can guide a 2 years old and teach them things that they should know. Being a Trueblood alpha who is known as the powerful wolf that is known in Werewolf ranks makes Byeol's a special and advanced kid unlike the rest. 

Jungkooks's mother is an Omega thats why he is an Omega and his parents never regret having him. For them , Jungkook is like a blessing thats why they treat him with love and care but now they are gone... those love and care was replaced by neglect and abuse. Well, he rarely got physical abused, but still they call him names and they aren't hiding their hates for him. 

"Byeol, how many times we told you not to talk to a useless thing like him." His step mother said as she glare at Byeol who look down. Sure his wolf is knows to be the powerful wolf than his Alpha mother but... His still a 2 years old kid who got scared easily. "And you." Jungook's step mother said as she used her alpha voice on her which made Jungkook flinch since omega's are weak at the commands of the higher ranks specially Alphas. "Why are you still here? I told you that you should get out of outsite while we eat right?" His step mother said.

Jungkook bow as an apology. "Sorry... I'll go now... I have late night work as well." Jungkook said, he have 5 jobs in total since one job doesn't have enough payment. Well, thats according to his step mother who force him to work and work and work without a rest. Jungkook change his clothes, grab his jacket before he went out on the cold night. He look at the nightsky that doesn't have a star or even a moon. 

He smile bitterly. "Until when this misery would end?" Jungkook said before sighing tiredly as he walk away. 


Thank you for Reading

Hope You Enjoy ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ 

Words: 1171

Written: May 23, 2021

Published: July 04, 2021

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