Chapter Twenty Two - Answers restrained

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The slight mutterings of someone dragged Cameron back to consciousness, her pickled eyes opening, then slamming shut from the bright light trying to blind her. She groaned, her nose wrinkling as a dingy smell of dampness, and what she would say was blood, assaulted her sense of smell.


The drum-like pounding in her head went along to the beat of her heartbeat, appearing the same time the voice did. She ground her teeth, keeping another pained groan in. Why was her head hurting?

"Chameleon, you awake?" The voice questioned softly, a wave of familiarity going over her.

"Arlo?" Her voice croaked out, dry from no use. She took a deep breath in and swallowed, hoping the saliva would get rid of the croakiness.

"Yeah, Cam, it's me. How are you holding up?"

She opened one eye slowly, forcing her eye to stay open while it adjusted to the single bright light in the dingy room. She let her other eye open after a couple of seconds, both pickle coloured orbs glancing around the room. 

It was only a small room, dark grey walls with no windows. A single bright bulb lit the entire room, leaving no corner untouched. The light shined of the wet concrete floor, puddles of murky water laid where there was a dip in the floor.

"What..?" She frowned, going through her memories and trying to figure out where she was. They had found Ashley, but it had been a trap. Then- she gasped, going to reach for the back of her head. A pain spread through both wrists as a wire cut into them, keeping her hands behind her. She tried moving her legs, and found them stuck as well.

"It looks like we're in a bit of a tie up." Arlo chuckled, trying to lighten the situation.

"Uh-huh," Cameron muttered. She knew that she should have given some sort of sarcastic response, that was what she usually did. But her head felt foggy, like she couldn't think properly. 

"How's your head?" Arlo asked, concern leaking into his usually joyous voice.

"Still on my shoulders if that means anything." Cameron hummed, her head lolling to one side as her vision tilted. She blinked, trying to get the world back on its proper axis. 

"Cami, look at me." Cameron frowned, forcing her head back up, and looking to her right. There was her usually boisterous brother, tied up with zipties on a metal chair. A couple of bruises were spread across his cheek and forehead, with dried blood coming from his lip. His own pickle-coloured eyes were watching her. "You're still concussed."

Her eyebrows crinkled together, a pain sprouting at her temple. "It wouldn't be the first time."

"We'll get Reid to check you out when he gets here." 

"When they get here?" Cameron asked, her thoughts still taking a while to catch up. 

"Yes, when our brothers come and get us." Arlo explained. She heard him move, the metal chair groaning underneath him. "They won't be long, and then Reid can have a look at that bump on your head. Does that sound good?"

Cameron nodded, regretting that movement soon after as her head swam.

"Are they ready?"

Cameron swallowed, her mouth feeling dry. The voice was faint, like it was behind a closed door, but easily recognizable coming from behind her. She grit her teeth and tugged at her hands, hoping to get them even slightly loose, but keeping her movement to a minimum. She didn't want to feel her head get any worse.

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