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Reporters surrounded them with their cameras and the crowd was going crazy while two people were walking down hand in hand smiling at the cameras.
Reporter(trying to catch a photo): Over here Ms.Gupta. Look here Mr.Raizada please!

Both reached the hall and were bombarded with questions.

Reporter:Mr.Raizada is it true that you both got engaged?

Reporter: Ms.Gupta is there any reason behind the sudden marriage?

Arnav(smiling politely): Yes we both got engaged and there is no reason behind the sudden marriage plans.

Khushi(hugging his shoulder): yeah. It was love at first sight I think. His gaze,his voice and his smile is very charming. I just knew he is the right one for me.

Arnav(looking deeply into her eyes): she's extremely beautiful and extremely intelligent. Everything is perfect about her. She is the only one who deserves to be my soulmate. We both are happily,passionately in love with each other... thank you guys for the interview. We will enjoy the party now. Excuse us.

Both of them left the hall.

Arnav(letting go of her): wow you almost had me fooled.
Khushi(crossing her arms): look who is talking. I almost believed you were interested in me... whatever can I leave now ?

Arnav( taking out some papers): sign them and you can leave.

He signed the papers and gave her the pen.
She signed the papers and gave him them.
Khushi(looking into his eyes): I hate you Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada.
Arnav(smirking): Likewise Ms.Khushi Gupta.


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