031. goes the clock

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( 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚'𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒔 )
thirty one.『 GOES THE CLOCK


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IT SEEMS SO OBVIOUS NOW. The way the arena is set out. Twenty four pedestals. Twelve wedges. Like ticking hands as they move through each section, giving hell to anyone who finds themselves at the center of the jungle.

Katniss had everyone, other than Johanna convinced. But even Johanna agreed it was best to move their things as it was better safe then sorry and be killed by the fog, seeing as if their theory was true, in less than a few hours the beach could be covered in the poisonous fog that killed Mags.

For once, Indie felt a step ahead of the Capitol. Of the gamemakers. Because even when they were planning something as ambitious as getting the Mockingjay out alive, even when she knew something the Capitol didn't, she knew nothing of the jungle. And now they had that understanding of what lay in the jungle. Or, the idea seemed promising.

Walking cautiously along one of the strips towards the cornucopia, Indie held a knife tight in her hand. They had no idea if the careers were still here, hiding somewhere around instead of the dangers of the jungle. There was a chance that they weren't, but no one there seemed ready to take that chance and she noticed more people were more cautious than they had been on the beach. Wiress and Beetee were the only ones who could barely hold a weapon and they walked in the middle.

Beetee lays in the shade the cornucopia provides, handing off the wire to Wiress who goes down to the water's edge to clean it as Beetee requested, singing a funny song about a mouse running up a clock, and Indie is almost sure she's heard it somewhere, perhaps Katherine singing it to her nephew, but she doesn't know the words.

"Oh not that song again," Johanna complains, rolling her eyes. "That went on for about four hours before she started tick tocking."

Suddenly, Wiress stands up and points towards the jungle. "Two," she says, and Indie follows her line of sight to the tree line, and sure enough fog seemed to be leaking out of the trees.

"Yes, look," Katniss says, "Wiress is right. It's two o'clock and the fog has started."

"Like clockwork," Peeta says, and then compliments, "You are very smart to figure that out, Wiress."

Wiress smiled, going back to her singing and dunking the coil as Beetee agrees aloud, "Oh she's more than smart," he says. "She's intuitive. She can sense things before anyone else can. Like a canary in one of your coal mines."

Indie frowns, "Canary?" She questions.

"It's a bird we take down into one of the mines to tell us if there is bad air." Katniss says.

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