Tommy's Manipulation

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"Get up." Dream called from outside of my bedroom door. I was already awake, I had been for several hours.

Ever since BBH had stabbed me with the wither sword, occasional burning pain would strike out of no where, usually at night, and then fade away.

It wasn't like I wasn't fully healed. I was. It was some sort of after effect I just had to deal with now.

I was laying on top of my bedsheets, already clothed and ready for the boring day ahead. I still wasn't happy with Dream's remarks towards me last night, and I certainly wasn't going to let him boss me around this morning.

Dream slammed the door open, and marched into my room. The light was on, and it illuminated the singular chest and nightstand that served as furniture in my one area of solitude.

Except it wasn't solitude, when this piece of shit thinks he can just barge in whenever he wants.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked, not moving from my position on the bed.

Dream walked over the the right hand side of my bed, and grabbed my wrist. He yanked me clear off of the mattress, and onto the floor, half of the blankets coming along with me.

"What the f-" I began.

"I said get up." Dream responded, before promptly leaving the room.

"You can't just do that." I yelled to him. He ignored me.

"We are leaving in five minutes." Dream shouted.

"Leaving to where?" I asked myself.

I readied my sword, sheathing it by my right side. I looked in my chest. Nothing of use. Everything I had ever had was gone. Blown up, abandoned, destroyed.

I walked into the main room of the house, where Dream stood waiting, impatiently.

"About time." He said.

"It's literally been one minute." I responded.

"Whatever let's go." Dream responded, walking out the door.

"Where?" I asked.

"Out." He responded.

Out? Like the place he always mysteriously left to at the same time each day? I ran to catch up with him.

"Out?" I asked. "You mean the place you never elaborate on when I ask where you're going? We are going there?"

"I thought it would make you stop asking so many damn questions." Dream said. "Clearly not. But yes, that's where we are going."

We walked to the pier, looking out beyond the ocean.

"Grab my arm." Dream said.

"What? Why?" I asked. Living with this creep was too much contact as it was.

Dream sighed in annoyance. He turned to look at me.

"Do you want to come with me or not?" He asked.

"Yes! Yes I do, I just don't see why-" I began.

"Then grab my arm, and for your sake, don't let go."Dream said.

I did as I was told, wrapping my arm around his.

With his free arm, he lifted up a trident. It was a beautiful teal color, and had been cared for well.

He pulled it backwards, like a javalim, and launched his arm forward. The next thing I knew, the ground beneath my feet was gone. We were several feet above the water, soaring at exorbitant speeds. The deep blue sea washed by rapidly below us. We were so high I felt as though I could reach out and touch the clouds around me.

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