Live and learn

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I keep coming back to the same question every day. Why am I supposed to be in this world 'To suffer.' Everything is so... boring, it's hard to feel anything besides anger and frustration. Because that's what life throws at you everyday. And when you're overwhelmed by anything. All you can do is laugh and smile like a maniac, cause the only other option is to cry 'Then just kill yourself and leave everyone alone already.'

There's a light squeaking in the pipes above us, accompanied by the pitter patter of small feet. Alice keeps looking at the pipes, her head following whatever direction the sound goes.

Every now and then there's a distant loud bang. coming from outside. With every bang I heard I got more and more curious. "I'm going to look outside." I say looking at Alice. She didn't answer, just followed the sound in the pipes, So I exit through the front door and look around for the sound.

There was nothing outside besides the run-down buildings. But the sound was still coming from somewhere. So, I walked throughout the town, looking for something that could make the sound.

In the center of the town, the sound kept getting louder, but I still couldn't find it, it kept echoing. Then I heard something, movement, and talking.

I follow the sound to around the back of a building, crouching down to hide. There was a line of people tied together with bags over their heads.

It was them. The snake people!

They were in the front of the line next to a yellow reflective arch. Some kind of door? They inspected the next person in line, cut the rope tying them to the others, and pushed them through the arch.

Then, Bang, this was the sound. Echoing through the town, when someone passed through the arch. Everyone else whimpered and moaned at the sound as the next person was pulled forward 'Your next.'

I get up, for the back of my head to touch something cold. A strange voice spoke behind me. But I didn't understand them. They nudged the cold device to my head again, it was some kind of weapon. I slowly raise my arms, and he speaks again, this time in a way I could understand "Move Forward." The voice was harsh and low, 'RUN.' I slowly turn my head, trying to see my captor, but he pushes me to the ground, holds my arms together, and takes off my bag and throws it aside. Then he lifts me by the arms with one hand and walks to the others speaking again in that foreign language.

I kick my legs around, the back of my shoes just barely hitting my captor. But he easily grabs my feet together and pulls them back, holding them with my hands, The others look at me, strangely one of them kneels down, his slit eyes looking directly at mine.

Observing me.

They talk, not breaking their gaze with me, and pull out a bag to pull it over my head.

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