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'Creek,' The sound echoed through the room, causing toby to wince.

Clockwork shifted in her sleep, as she turned into a more comfortable position. Toby sighed as he looked at her, glad he didn't wake her. He looked back at the door and squeezed through the slightly opened gap, he closed it and walked away from the building. He had to spring a leak, he was holding it for a while and no longer could hold it. He looked up at the pine needles in the trees and sighed, such a shame they weren't maple trees. He sighed slightly only to watch his breath in the cold, he chuckled at it as he continued to walk into the dark. A smile came on his face as he looked ahead of him, he walked through thick trees and did his business. He didn't want to be out here longer than he wanted to, plus it was cold. He finished up and walked away, though he stopped when something moved in the corner of his vision. He glanced behind him and saw nothing, he shivered as he turned back around. walking to the building, as he glanced back once in a while. As he got to the door the feeling of being watched crawled up his back, he sighed as he had to sneak through the squeaking. He slowly pushed the door open and squeezed in, he closed the door and put the block back into the bottom of the door as he glanced over to clockwork.

"Where did you go," she asked sleepily

"I needed to pee, so I went outside," he admitted as he slid down the door as he shook slightly.

She nodded and lied back down, her gaze on the roof. She let out a sigh as she saw the stars through the holes in the ceiling, she glanced at Toby who was looking at his lap.

"You ok Toby," she said catching Toby's attention.

He looked at her with a straight face, he nodded as he looked away. He was creeped out, something was out there.

"Yeah I'm fine, just want it to be day so I can work on this place," he lied as he looked at the holes.

"You need your rest, you'll only get in the way if you're tired," she said with a small smile.

He nodded and looked at her, he smiled and got up. He walked to her and sat down, he felt safe by her side. She closed her eyes as he lied down, he would stay by her side till daylight.

"Goodnight clocky," he said as he looked at the roof.

The stars shined bright in the night sky, Toby sighed as he glanced at clocky who was sleeping. He blinked a couple of times before looking back at the roof, he had a feeling he couldn't go back to sleep. He started to think about what clocky said, she was right he needed to sleep or he would be useless. He knew how he was when he was tired, he was slow and moody. He sighed as he closed his eyes and rolled onto his side, the sound of the wind echoed through the place made him open his eyes. God why did it sound like screams, he sat up and looked around. Empty, the place was empty except clocky who was sleeping. He looked to the door when the door began to bang, he stood up and walked to the door. He placed his ear on the door to listen to whoever was hitting the door, the banging stopped.

"Toby?" a voice sang out painfully.

He backed away as he knew that voice, his heart began to rase. How was that possible, she was dead. He saw her die, he watched her get buried. How was his sister at the door?

"Toby let me in," she sang as she knocked on the door again. "It's cold out here," she said as the knocking got louder, he feared the door wouldn't hold.

He shook as he looked behind him, he was going to wake up clockwork. Though he stopped in place as she was gone, she wasn't there was no sign of her, she was gone.

"Let me in, it's cold," she began to cry.

Toby backed away farther from the door till his back hit the wall, he looked behind him to see nothing but darkness. He looked ahead to see he was outside, his eyes stuck on his sister. She was decaying as her skin was barely hanging on her face, the flesh had a brown tint to it. Though her jaw was hanging on flesh on the left side as the right side of her face was torn. Her jaw was swaying back and forth as she talked, yet he couldn't hear her. He was stuck staring at her Jaw as it swayed back and forth. He closed his eyes hoping he would wake up, just like he did when he was a kid. Waiting for his big sis to save him, for her to pull him into a hug and would make him a hot cocoa. Though she was gone, he knew that. All he wanted was for her to tell him he was safe but all that happen was the horrid sound of his sister calling his name, as her flesh made a sound as it strained from holding the swaying jaw.

"Toby, Toby," she said over and over again.

He opened his eyes and saw nothing, he was in a dark room. Yet his sister's voice echoed all around him, He started to look around yet he couldn't find her.

"It's all your fault," She began to yell.

Toby started to shake as the voice somehow was getting closer, She kept repeating herself. Yet it was the worst for him, he couldn't stand the person he loved telling him it was his fault that they died. Though he felt like she was right, it was his idea to go for a car ride. He was the one who wanted to take the back road to see the forest, and he didn't spot that faceless bastard that caused the car crash. He froze, the slenderman was there he came in front of the car. Lyra swerved and drove off the road and hit the powerline pole. He remembered every word she said to him, she told him that she loved him and that it wasn't his fault. That she would be by his side even after death, how she would protect him. All he had to do was remember how much she loved him, how much he meant to her.

"You are not my sister," He yelled in anger.

The voice began to become demonic, he looked behind him to see his decaying sister.

"You have failed me, Toby," she said as she began to form into something he feared, something he hated.

He saw that bastard, that demon that took everything away from him. He was pissed, how dare he use his sister's form to mess with him. How dare he try and taint the purest person he knew, he wouldn't let that monster ruin his memories of her. He would let the thing ruin the love he felt when he was with his sister, she was pure good an angel sent from above.

"Come to me Toby," it said as it reached for him.

"Go fuck yourself with every sharp thing known to man you mutated pickle," Toby yelled at the demon, he wanted to say something worse yet he couldn't, it wouldn't let him.

"So be it I see you have chosen that hard way," it said as it disappeared.

He closed his eyes as he listen for that bastard, yet he couldn't hear him he heard something else.

"Toby, Come on this isn't funny," the voice said in a sad tone, it was scared.

He knew this voice, he opened his eyes in a panic to see he was back in the building. He looked around to see clocky by his side, worry on her face.

"Are you ok Toby?" she asked as she shook slightly.

"Yeah, why?" he asked as he looked at her.

"You were having a nightmare, you were screaming and crying," she said as Toby looked away, he felt ashamed.

"Yeah I'm fine, just want to kill something," he said as he thought of ways to kill that faceless bastard.

She nodded as she looked at the roof, before looking at him.

"Do you still want to get some rest," she said with a smile, hoping he would say yes.

"No, I rather not," he said as he got up and walked to the door. "I'm gonna get some wood so we can work on this place," clockwork nodded as she stood up to help him.

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