Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

“Love is really something, you know?”

I shifted in my spot next to him, “What do you mean?” I snuggled more into his body and lay my head on his chest.

“I mean the whole werewolf mate thing.” I raised my eyes to watch his mouth as he talked, “I mean, god Luna, what do you see in me? This whole mates thing makes me think that we are all forced to love the other. We don’t have to go through the whole ‘falling in love’ phase that humans do.”

I laughed softly, “You’re not making very much sense.” I paused, loving the warmth that radiated off of him. I almost forgot to start saying what I wanted to tell him, “I think it’s better to not have to go through all that waiting. I think that for a regular human, they may have their soulmate right in front of them yet they never know until they’ve fallen in love.” I smiled, breathing in his intoxicating smell of the forest. “Being a werewolf makes everything quicker. That way I get to spend more time with you before I die.”

I started awake, and I sucked in a painful gasp. “No!” I rasped, not believing my eyes. I wasn’t at Christina’s house. I wasn’t cuddling next to the love of my life. I wasn’t anywhere near his smell or his body heat.

I was somewhere cold.

Somewhere dark.

Where am I?

My vision was slightly blurry, but I was able to make out the fact that I was enclosed in a room…. A very small room. Then I looked down…. And realized I was completely, utterly, embarrassingly naked. I tried to cover myself up, but then I remembered I was alone and let my hands drop. I stretched my arms out and flinched when my left hand lightly brushed up against something. I ripped my hand back and searched for the object. It presented itself as a rustic bucket, and given my circumstances it was no doubt my bathroom.

I placed both hands flat on the ground, and I flinched at how cold it felt. I began pushing myself up off the ground, but I soon found that I was chained to a wall…. How cliché. I tried to keep myself from freaking out and instead just sat there and closed my eyes.

Then they snapped right back open.


“Help!” I shouted, unable to keep myself from staying quiet anymore, “Somebody please help me!”

“Be quiet!” A deep, masculine voice shouted, “She’ll hear you!”

I immediately flinched back into the wall, and I whipped my head around, trying to see through my blurred eyes. “What are you talking about? Where are you?” I demanded, and then I asked the more pressing question, “Where am I?” I kept turning my head this way and that as I tried to find the source of the voice.

“I’m in the cell across from you, girl.” I jerked my head to where I heard his voice on my right, and I finally was able to make out… cell bars. It was like I was confined in a jail cell. I couldn’t see past it, though, because of my blurred vision. The man spoke again, answering my previous question; “You’re in another dimension, another place, another world.” He rambled miserably, “I don’t know.”

I glanced down at my chained hands, and miraculously my vision cleared and I was able to see. I looked back up, and I saw him, the man who’d been talking, chained in a similar position in a cell across from me. “Why am I chained to the wall?!” My voice became high-pitched without my even knowing it, “Why are you chained to the wall?! Why am I here?!” I began trying to pull off the chains, not caring like any normal girl would about my nails.

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