Its all going down.

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Your POV

I wasn't keeping track of when Sal's execution due date. Sal and I haven't seen each other for a while since the whole trail happened.

"Hey!" I yelled to get one of the officers attention. One guy turned over to look at me, "what?" "What time is it?" I asked and he checked his watch.

"2 pm-wait aren't you the one that's supposed to leave today?" My head tilted to the side, "uh I think so" the officer hummed and continued to talk to the others.

I sat down on my bed and took a nap

Your dreams:

My body felt sore and it took me a while to see my surroundings. Addisons apartment?

It looks abandoned and empty since everyone that lived there died. I walked towards the front door and into the lobby.

From the corner of my eye I saw Sal sitting there in his orange jumpsuit.

He seemed to noticed me, "Y/n?". Both of our eyes widened and ran to each other. "Sal" I gave him a weak smile and he pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back, "are you asleep?" He asked. "Yeah" he looked confused.

"I am as well, is our dreams connected?" He said and I just shrugged. "It's good to see you though" I caressed his cheek since he's not wearing a mask.

"I missed you" "I missed you as well" out of nowhere we both leaned in for a kiss. We pulled away, "how long has it been?" I asked and he took awhile to answer.

"6 years pasted so we are both 28 years old"-Sal
"Time goes by quick"-Y/n

Sal got off off by a siren. We both looked around to see where it's coming from then suddenly Sal was in handcuffs. "W-What's going on" Sal panicked, I quickly hold onto him and he gave me a smile.

"I think it's time.." "what do you mean?" "My execution.." my eyed widened and he disappeared.

"WAIT SAL NO-" there was a bright white light and I closed my eyes to be teleported to a grave..?

I looked in front of me to see a tombstone, my eyes scanned it.

Sal Fisher
Son of Henry and Diane Fisher

My heart dropped. His mask was there right in front.

I went to grabbed it until suddenly I woken by the officers.

3rd POV

Y/n breathe heavily and Sal with two officers walked passed Y/n's cell. "SAL!" She yelled but no luck since there a window.

She banged on the bars and officers came to her, "shut up will you?!" She glared at them. They walked away laughing.

Then suddenly their weapons dropped on the floor and slide on the ground all the way to Y/n. She grabbed the gun and examined it.

Blood dripped down her nose and opened the cell with her power. The guards looked scared. A smirk appeared on her face.

"Don't mind me" Y/n busted opened the door and the other inmates were shocked.

Y/n ran down the hall, trying to find the execution room. it took her awhile until she found it. She looked inside the window to see Sal strapped on the chair with a blindfold covering his eye.

Y/n banged on the door, "SAL!" she yelled to get his attention.

"Y/n...?" A whisper of her name escaped his mouth until the man pulled down the switch. She unlocked the door but it was too late since Sal was being electrocuted. Her e/c eyes widened. Sadness washed over her until anger filled her mind. She pointed the gun to the man and pulled the trigger. The mans body fell.

Steam left Sal's body and his emotionless body sat there. Without hesitation Y/n ran to him and his body fell forwards and she caught him. She fell to her knees and hold his body in her arms.

She cried out, "Sal i'm so sorry, I was too late" her tears fell onto his neck.

Officers rushed into the execution room. Y/n looked behind and saw a munch of officers. She quickly exited the back door and ran away.

A week later

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