(Chapter 2) Heroes, Villains and Vigilantes.

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*Dabi POV*

I, as many people, absolutely LOATHE the mornings. The suns rays laid down on my face, with no mercy.
I groaned out if frustration, and begin to open my eyes, and I'm met with the sight of two girls at the foot of my bed, one having blue hair, and the other having pink.

Blue Hair- Ram Ram, it seems the guest has awoken.

Ram- Rem Rem, it appears so.
I could care less about these twins, but right now, I'm feeling really dehydrated.

Dabi- Excuse me, and good morning, but do you have any water?

Rem- Yes sir, I will bring it up right now.

Dabi- Thank you.
I started to get up, and stretched while Ram left.
After some stretching, Rem came back with some water.

Rem- Sir, here is your water.

Dabi- Ah, thank you. *Sips*

Rem- Guest, may I ask a question?

Dabi- Hm? Yeah sure, go ahead.

Rem- Why is your body littered in scars?

Dabi- ...You're going to have to earn my trust before I can tell you that. Also, don't call me sir please. It makes me feel old. My name is Dabi. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Rem- ...I understand. Breakfast is ready, Dabi.

*3rd Person POV*

Seeing that he had his usual clothes, Dabi got ready to head out, when he heard a light knock on his door.

Dabi- Come in!
Dabi shouted. The door clicked open, and it revealed Emilia in her usual attire.

Emilia- Good morning... Errr.... What should I call you?
Dabi was slightly confused, but pieced it together.

Dabi- Oh, you can call me either Dabi or Touya, I don't really care. Just know that I'm Dabi. I carry on Touya's legacy, but Touya died 9 years ago, on a cliff.

Emilia- O-oh ok! I think I'll call you Touya though! It's a really cute name!
If Dabi could blush, then it would be very apparent, but he sadly didn't, much to his hearts turmoil. He had become nonchalant ever since Touya died.

Dabi- That's fine. Maybe if I trust you more in the future, I'll tell you some more about me.
Emilia seemed to lighten up, and she nodded and left the room to go to the dining hall.
Dabi was in the hallway, but was on his way to the bathroom. He opened the door that Ram had told him was the bathroom, but instead found a giant library, filled to the brim with books.

Dabi- Interesting...
Dabi looked around until he saw a (I know people are going to hate me for this, so I'm sorry :( ) drill haired loli sitting on a stool.
The girl in question had an annoyed look on her face, one which Dabi caught onto.

Dabi- Oh my bad, sorry to interrupt you. Do you mind telling me where the bathroom is though?

???- You are tolerable, I suppose. My name is Beatrice, and I am this libraries protector, in fact. You may close the door, open it again, and you will find the bathroom, I suppose.

Dabi- Ok, thank you and have a good morning.
Dabi did as the girl said, and after relieving himself, he went to the dining hall, in which Emilia had told him to go into.
Walking in, he was greeted by a grand feast, and everything looked delicious. He was almost debating on whether he could eat this.

Dabi- Whoever is the cook of this feast, I give you my thanks. This all looks very delicious.

Ram- Well of course, Rem prepared it, so of course it sill be perfect!

Dabi- Really huh. Well, thank you.

Rem- It seems Lord Roswaal has returned.
Dabi looked over, and saw a man with heiterochromatic (Or whatever you call it) eyes, pale make up, and some ridiculous attire. Dabi was smart though, he knew he couldn't insult this man, considering Rem called him a Lord.

Roswaal- Good morning esteemed guest!~ I simply must thaaaank you for saving Miss Emilia here!~ However, before that, let us eat, shall we?~
So they dug in. Dabi was making sure to eat delicately, as to leave a good and lavished impression.

Roswaal- Nowww~ Dabi, so my maids call you! What do you choose as your reward for saving Emilia?

Dabi- Hmm...
Dabi had to think real hard on this. One mistake, and he could end up poor, on a bars front steps, with the owner yelling at him for pissing on the others like a crazed animal.
Seeing as he didn't have a place to stay, Dabi chose...

Dabi- I have thought about this, and I have decided. Can I stay here as a guest? Of course, I will still help around as much as possible.

Roswaal- Then, it has been decided! Dabi here will now be treated as a guest!

Rem and Ram- Of course, Lord Roswaal.

Ram- It seems we are going to have to switch rooms for you, Dabi. I hope that isn't a problem.

Dabi- Of course not, I'm grateful to even be here.

--------3 hours later--------

Dabi had been practicing his fire, and also studying, seeing as he was illiterate in this words dialect. Dabi had great ambitions here, even if it wasn't his original world. In fact, Dabi thought this world was better. No heroes, no villains. Regular people.
It had seemed the words "Heroes", "Villains", and "Vigilantes" had lost their true meanings.

You see, the word "Hero" used to be a word that someone would bestow upon someone else of they did a heroic act, like bringing down an army, or even just a small timer. The hero would try not to take credit, and in some cases, even try to hide their identities. Some of these include Spider-Man, Batman, Robin, Ironman (Although he did reveal himself to the world) and much more. Now, it was simply someone who was semi strong enough to gather some attention, then boast in the limelight. The word "Villain" used to be for someone who was the very incarnate of evil, such as the villains Dio, Diavolo, Shigaraki, AFO, etc. Now, it was used even for the most minor small timers, just thief's who were trying to steal for their families. Disgusting people the heroes had became, honestly.
The word "Vigilantes". Honestly, these people were the best in Dabi's view. These were the TRUE heroes, the people who does the right thing, even if it's against the law. Before, it was simply someone who dealt in a violent way, playing both sides of the scale, that of which is the "Hero", and the "Villain".

Right now, in this very world, it seemed these words and their meaning did not have any worth any more.
Dabi liked that.

--------End of Chapter 2--------

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