Chapter 86 - Water Seven

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They approach the entrance that seems to be the only one. It was a rental bull shop, they entered and see what seems to be the owner.

Bull Keeper: "Welcome! You wanna rent bulls, right? How many are you?"

(Y/N): "Four, if you can't tell."

Bull Keeper: "What kind of bulls would you like? There're three ranks. "Yagara," "Rabuka," and "King." Well, for the four of you, two Yagaras would probably do."

Luffy: "Okay! Please roast them nice and tasty!"

(Y/N) facepalms but follows the keeper. The man pulls out to boats, he asked that they didn't know bulls because they got here by a log. They all nodded.

Bull Keeper: "Well, to make a long story short, those are bulls. They're Yagara bulls. They're everywhere in town." he points to the creatures that were floating.

" he points to the creatures that were floating

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They got to a pen that was filled with them. One of them licked Luffy's face which got him made. (Y/N) was petting one that he quickly bonded with. Then the keeper opens the gat and let the two out equipping the two small boats.

Luffy: "Can he carry heavy stuff okay?" he asked looking at how small the Yagara was.

Bull Keeper: "Their power is incredible! You can even use them for moving. That bag, huh? What's inside?"

Luffy: "Gold."

The keeper laughs thinking that the boy was joking around. That's when Luffy did a dumb move of showing the keeper.

Bull Keeper: "WHOA! GIVE ME SOME!"

(Y/N): "I'm afraid we can't allow that!" he scares the keeper who returned back to normal.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) being friends with all the bulls-

They were riding along the waters hoping to find what they were looking for.

(Y/N): "Bull, we're really relying on you." the bull turned and smiles back.

Usopp: "It's amazing that such convenient creatures exists in this world."

Nami: "It's doesn't rock as much. It's comfortable!"

People were doing their daily business as they went through. Children playing, and adults working.

Luffy: "This is neato!"

Usopp: "This area seems to be a residential area."

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