Chapter 5

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"You know you aren't supposed to bring humans to our place."

You couldn't help but admire his beauty, his deep voice, his stature and those eyes which could pierce through your soul.

"She is my friend. That's why I brought her here."

'Is he Jungkook's brother?'

"His cousin actually. Let me introduce myself. I am Taehyung. You are?", he says with the most pleasant smile.

"I am Y/N."

"How did you guys become friends?", Taehyung asks you.

"At school."

He looks surprised.

"Are you going to school?"

"Yeah. I will leave Y/N at her place."

Taehyung nods.

You both leave the villa and teleport to your house.

"Will we get into trouble?"

"Don't worry I will talk to him."

You nod in response.

"Thank you for taking me to your house and answering my questions."

"Hope you don't give me any more silent treatments. Sleep tight. See you tomorrow."

"I won't. See you."

Next day

You were a bit grouchy so you didn't participate much in the conversation with your friends

'I hope we get a sub today.'

"Guys who is that with Jungkook?", Sarah's question makes everyone look at the two boys.

"Guys who is that with Jungkook?", Sarah's question makes everyone look at the two boys

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'I should have seen this coming.'

You sigh.

Taehyung occupies the empty seat opposite to you. Your teacher comes a little late to class.

Taehyung introduces himself. After his intro the class begun. Your classmates kept stealing glances at him.

Time skip

It was a long day at school and you couldn't wait to go home.

"Y/N, mom and dad are going out so it's just us tonight. What do you want for dinner?", your brother asks you.

"Are you gonna cook?"

"Nope. Takeout. What do you want?"



"I am gonna make myself some popcorn and binge watch Vampire Diaries."

"You sure you don't want anything?"


After making yourself some popcorn and juice, you go to your room and play your favourite series.

"Y/N!!!", your brother screams.


"Come out."

'Arggh I just started.'

"What is your problem? Can't you just let me watch in peace?"

"Your friend's here."

You walk towards your living room and see Taehyung sitting on the couch. He stands up as soon as he sees you.

"Hi Y/N."


"Sorry did I disturb you?"

"No it's fine. What are you doing here?"

"Can you help me with school work? I need to catch up with the classes."

"Um..What about Jungkook?"

"He is not at home."

"Sure no problem I'll help you."

You spent the rest of your evening helping Taehyung.

"Finally we are done.", you groan and plop back in your couch.

"Thank you so much."

You smile.

"Can I ask you something?", you get back up.


"Why did you come to school?"

"Just to have some fun. Seems like Jk is having fun here."

"Yeah he sure is. By the way how old are you."

"I am 28 years old."

"Wow you are young too. Are there any vampires who have been living for centuries?"

"There are a lot in our place."

"Are your parents young too?"

"No they have lived for more than a century. It's a thing in our clan that vampires should have an heir only after they cross 100 years of age."

"You have different clans?"

"Yes and only the royals can have a heir."

"Whoah it's more complicated than I thought. So you won't turn humans to vampires?"

"We don't turn anyone willingly unless we lose control of ourselves and hurt them really bad or if they themselves want to become a vampire. It depends. Well I'll leave. Thank you for helping me."

"No problem and thank you for telling me about your secrets."

He smiles.

He smiles

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"Bye Y/N."


You look at him as he leaves.

'He's cute. Oops he can read my mind. Why do I keep forgetting this.'

"Is that your boyfriend?", your brother asks you.

"No he is not."

"Seems like that though. He is living across us. Maybe he moved in just for you."

"Shut up"

Taehyung's POV:

"Where were you all day Taehyung?"

"I told you dad, I am going to school."

"Is it really necessary for you to do this?"

"Yes. As long as it's important to him it's important to me too. We have to get back what really belongs to us."

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