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The case worked its way thought the ranks. The call had been answered by a relatively new hire, and worked its way to me. On the edge of town there had been an attack. Someone was dead, drained of blood, but there was not blood around them and it didn't seem like the body had been moved there. Everyone who'd looked at the scene was stumped. Not everyone was me.

I knew right away from the description of what had happened. Or at least who had done it, what had done it. A vampire had killed the young woman. I was pretty sure that it wasn't one of the Cullens, which meant it was a wandering vampire. Or a wandering coven. I really really hoped it was the former, but I didn't know. I had no clue, and the only ones who might know hated my guts.

As soon as the case came across my desk I took it. I made sure that no one else was on the project, that I was the only in the line of fire from the vampires. I could barely defend myself against them, and no one else see would stand a chance against one.


The scene was just as it had been described. The body had been tossed in the middle of a clearing. It was a woman that I'd never met. I'd seen her around down a bit after she moved here a couple of years ago, but I didn't even know her name. She had been pretty: long black hair twisted and adorned with gold plated beads and rings, her dark skin unblemished, dark eyes bright and intelligent in life. Her normally dark skin was pale, and there were two small puncture wounds on her neck. None of the others had mentioned the wounds, so I assumed that no one had seen them or known to check.

The coroner had determined that she had been drained completely of blood and I didn't doubt it. I only wondered if that was something that a single vampire would do, or if it was the work of multiple vampires using the same bite. I doubted it. People had different size mouthes it would be hard for them to use the same bit seamlessly unless their teeth were in exactly the same place. My guess was that there was only one.

I watched the coroner's car depart with her copse in it. The rest of the scene was spotless. There was no sign of a struggle and no evidence of this being a dump site that had been arranged and set up for us to find. I shook my head and left. I wasn't going to get any more information from the scene.
It was time to start hunting.

Charlie Swan: Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now