38: Kiss Me

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"He was in your bed shirtless?" Lily gaped.

"Lils, when you put it like that..."

Despite my clear indignation, Lily and Tabitha began to giggle.

"Rose and Antonio, sittin' in a tree," Tabitha coyly began.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Lily sung.

I closed my locker and rolled my eyes at the pair of them. "We've never kissed."

"Yet," Tabitha added.

I turned crimson, walking away from the two and their relentless teasing.

"Aww, look at her blush," Lily cooed.

I heard Tabitha snicker in the distance. I shook my head and waved the two of them off before making my way to class. Coincidentally, I had biology first period—my only class with Antonio. Frankly, I was relieved he hadn't heard my confession last night. There was no way of knowing how he'd take it. At least this way, our friendship was going to remain the same.

Per usual, Antonio arrived to class late. When he settled down next to me, I smiled.

"Hey," I greeted him. "You must've woken up early, I didn't even see you leave my room."

He nodded without looking at me, and I slightly frowned at his bland response. I didn't know why, but I could feel a slight shift in his behavior–usually, he'd greet me with an annoying remark. We spent class in an unusual silence, until closer towards the end of the period when the teacher began to hand out a worksheet.

"Alright class, complete the worksheet with the person next to you. Whatever you don't get done is homework," the male teacher droned.

When I received the paper, I rotated my body to face Antonio. He strangely stiffened.

"Alright, what do you think the answer is for number one?" I asked.

"Dunno," he grunted.

"You didn't even look at the paper," I gazed at him strangely. He refused to look back at me.

"Alright... what about number two?"

Antonio's eyes averted down at his desk. "I'd rather we work separately."

There was a cold silence after his words, and I oddly felt a little rejected. Why did he seem distant?

"Why? We always work together," I softly spoke, more so thinking aloud.

He was still avoiding eye contact, and I was beginning to feel irked. I suddenly understood why he was behaving so strangely. "Oh, I get it." I bitterly chuckled.

Antonio glanced at me in confusion. Just then, the bell rang. I scoffed and stood up, briskly walking out of the classroom. I became lost in the heap of students spilling out into the hallways, however I didn't get away as quickly as I expected. Rather, a hand grasped onto my wrist and led me away from the crowd. I yelped as I stumbled into a secluded hallway, where the noise of the other students became distant.

"Really?" I questioned, wrenching my arm away from Antonio. With a glare on my face, I turned around to face him.

"Why are you acting weird?" he asked me with furrowed eyebrows.

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