~Chapter Forty Four~

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a/n i tried to re-read this story, to see if the writing is okay, and I just can't. if I try to read my own writing I cringe and die

also been obsessively watching ImAllexx the last few days, so if i don't update thats probably why

- June 11 -

I felt someone gently grab my hand, and lay down next to me on the couch. "Good morning." I muttered. "Hey, y/n." Tubbo responded. "Hey, bee boy." I replied.

"Sorry, I was bored and tired. Didn't mean to wake you up." He said. I sat up, seeing him holding two cups of coffee, one which I gladly took. "It's like, 5 in the morning." I said. Tubbo shrugged.

"Oh yeah, don't go into the kitchen. I almost burned this place down, trying to make food." Tubbo said casually. I shook my head. "I'm not really that surprised. But it explains the burning smell." I joked.

I pulled the blanket over me and Tubbo, and the two of us sat together, watching TV. I messed around with his hair, the two of us just enjoying each other's presence. We didn't need to talk or anything, because being an introvert, talking is hard. But being there, together, was enough.

I laid my head on Tubbo's shoulder, and fell asleep.

I woke up to crashing sounds, followed by the sounds of the two blondes swearing, and Ranboo shushing them. I instantly snapped awake, sitting up. "The fuck?" I muttered.

Tommy awkwardly waved. "Hello woman, we were just, uh-" He said. I waited for him to respond. "Leaving, just leaving." Purpled finished. The three of them kept saying "leaving. yup, leaving. we are leaving." like seagulls or something.

"Please leave, you fucking shippers." I said. I looked between the three of them. Tommy glanced towards the ground, Grayson stared at the TV, and Ranboo made eye contact with me and immediately regretted it.

"Well, he is wearing your hoodie." Tommy said. Grayson swatted his arm, and shushed him. "Oh my god, Tubbo finally got some bitches, it's a miracle, yay." I mocked.

"Okay, shippers, leave now." I said. They nodded, and walked out of the room. Ranboo poked his head back in, almost looking scared. I tend to have that affect on people. "uh- why are we the shippers?" He asked. I shrugged. "It's been confirmed that the other two idiots are actually shippers, and because you're one of my closest friends, and also one of my mods, you are definitely a shipper." I said.

"I- okay." He said, sounding confused. I sighed. "Goddammit, you made me and Tubbo get married. Is that good enough?" I asked. Ranboo laughed. "Yeah, fair. Have fun." He said, leaving.

I looked back at Tubbo, peacefully sleeping. He was, still, wearing my hoodie. But that kid could sleep through anything, apparently, like the shipper trio being loud at shit.

"Tubbo!" I said loudly. He didn't even flinch. I sighed again. "Whatever. I'll be in the main living room." I said, which was probably dumb, you know, considering he was asleep.

I walked out of the room, trying to smooth out my hair, but not bothering to brush it. I saw the dream team walking toward me, and knew they were about to say some shit.

"What's up?" I asked as they approached. "So, you were sleeping with-" Sapnap started. "I have been asked this question so. many. god. damn. times. Don't act like you've never fucking fell asleep with Dream, or George, or Karl, or Quackity, or- need I go on? So no, shut the hell up. Yes, I did fall asleep on the couch, with Tubbo. Okay?" I said.

Sapnap nodded. "Sure." He said sarcastically. I shook my head. "You guys are useless. I'm going to hang out with Niki or something." I said.

I walked around aimlessly for a bit, before asking Jack if he knew where Niki was. "I don't know, I'm not in charge of her!" He said. I nodded. "I forgot. She's in charge of you, to make sure you don't get cancelled. Still didn't answer the question, though." I said.

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