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"don't touch her!"


the mission, this one in particular, had regulus unusually nervous, quite scared, actually. he didn't want to be a spy for the order, considering he didn't like dumbledore at all and didn't want to serve or help him. however, his brother was there, james too, and remus and peter, perhaps even summer. she had started training to help them, dumbledore praised her nerve for jumping into inferi infested water to save regulus and she was happy to help.

regulus had tipped off this attack to sirius, who he hadn't spoken to yet but he promised andromeda that he would, and he knew she was right. sirius had told the order that regulus had tipped them off and told them to not hurt him, to not hex him because he was the reason they were ready and prepared, and regulus would probably somehow avoid it and get them back with ease.

"i dibs sirius," muttered bellatrix who giggled excitedly at the thought, regulus was going to ensure that she went nowhere near him.

regulus couldn't just stop the attack the way he stopped the other one, sadly not being able to get alice and frank, because it was always going to happen. there wasn't really anyone in particular they were trying to find, it was going to be a massacre and regulus just hoped they were properly prepared. if he did stop them in time and use his magic to make them still, then what? when he brought them back into real time, they'd just go in and if it didn't work out tonight, when else would it be? wait, how did they even know this was headquarters?

"how did you know this is where they were?" asked regulus, as he was one of voldemort's second in command, along with bellatrix.

"you have no idea how easy it is to change someone's allegiance," said voldemort coldly, "remember, regulus, always go for the weak member of the pack, it's easier to bring the stronger ones down."

"let's hope no one tries to sway barty," said regulus and voldemort laughed his cold, eerie laugh and patted regulus' shoulder.

regulus stood tall, with his hands behind his back and his death eater mask over his face. they were stood on the hill on the perimeter of the headquarters, it was a massive house, much like malfoy manor or the manor bellatrix, andromeda and narcissa grew up in.

"bellatrix, regulus, i want you to ensure everyone is captured," said voldemort, "do not kill any of them yet, just get them to me and we'll kill them off one by one."

"is dumbledore there?" asked barty timidly, voldemort looked over his shoulder at barty, who immediately cowered while regulus and bellatrix looked at him as though he was vermin.

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