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Delilah pov.

"Delilah!" Damon yelled.

I held out my hands. Someone gave me another gun and I walked inside. I pointed it at the woman. She was staring at me.

"What did you do? What did you do to my husband?" I whispered. My hand began to shake.

She looked me in the eyes before standing up. Her hand stayed on her stomach. She walked to Damon before placing a hand on Damon's shoulder. I turned the gun down and shot her in the knee. Blood spurted out of her knee before she fell to the ground.

"Don't touch him." I growled. She cried out in pain. Damon looked at her before looking towards me. I got a bunch of the men to go inside and look around. I dropped the gun.

Damon ran towards me before wrapping his large arms around me. I let out a sob and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I've wanted to feel his warmth for so long. "I can't believe we found you..." I whispered.

I could hear him sobbing. This didn't feel real. Nothing did at this point.

I don't ever want to be alone. I don't ever want to have to suffer without Damon.

Now I don't have to because he is right here.

I watched the men drag the woman out and into the yard. She was handcuffed. I saw the other man still sitting down but with tears in his eyes.

I lifted my hand and waved it out. He got up and went outside.

I ran a hand into Damon's hair with the other around his neck.

When Damon pulled away, I looked him in the eyes. "We don't ever have to be apart again." He said. I grabbed his shirt and kissed him hard.

He kissed back and grabbed my waist. I've wanted to feel his lips against mine for so long. For so long I've wanted to feel his touch. And now I can.

A hand on my shoulder made me pull away. Zi stood beside me. "Let's get outta here." He said.

I nodded and grabbed Damon's hand. We went down the porch and to my truck.

The night sky had made all of the firefly's dance in the soft grass.

I opened my door and got in and waited for all of my men to get in. Zi got into his and started his ignition. I did too and followed him out of the yard.

We pulled onto the road. Everyone was talking to Damon and hugging him from the front. I rested my hand on my leg and gripped the wheel with the other.

We drove for so long. Every mile we went made me more and more tired. It was do long. We were so far from home.

My stomach was nauseous and my throat burned.

I tried to keep myself together but all I wanted to do was lay in bed with Damon and forget everything that happened.

I could feel the bile raising up my throat. I honked the horn twice before pulling over. I swung the truck door open and puking on the grass.

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